Doonesbury’s Garry Trudeau Doesn’t Like Sarah Palin. Or Bloggers.

And we are surprised why? 

Apparently, some whiners are. But seriously, Garry Trudeau (it’s not “Gary”, Internetz, its got two Rs) has always been a huge liberal. It’s a comic strip. Live with it. Here’s the latest one dissin’ Palin. He also recently did an interview with Mother Jones magazine. I mean, come on. I hear the editorial board of Mother Jones just barely voted down changing the name to “Die, America, Die” last year. True story.

Doonesburys Garry Trudeau Comments on Bloggers. For shame, Garry. For shame.

Doonesbury's Garry Trudeau Comments on Bloggers. For shame, Garry. For shame.

You expect Daily Kos to say bad stuff about conservatives and Republicans no matter what, right? Garry Trudeau has always been a big lib, and the strip about Palin’s family completely misses what conservatives and even “family values” are about and . . . he’s never gotten it. He’s about 80* years old now, he’s never going to get it.

*He’s actually 60. But, come on, the guy’s a fossil.

In more interesting news, I see you folks have been looking for Tiffany Michelle. She just won a game of strip poker. She’s pretty cute, too.


Shes cute enough. I dont play poker, and dont like to gamble, so my interest in her pretty much starts and ends there.

She's cute enough. I don't play poker, and don't like to gamble, so my interest in her pretty much starts and ends there.

Speaking of sexy poker babes, this is Tina Wallman:

Tina Wallmann apparently plays poker. Which has something to do with why shes naked in the desert.

Tina Wallman apparently plays poker. Which has something to do with why she's naked in the desert.

Thanks to the website for introducing you and me to her. If you go there, I have a great gambling tip for ya: don’t. The house always wins in the end. You know what that means? It means that you always lose in the end. Subliminal message of sites like this? Waste lots of money gambling, and you’ll impress hot chicks. It doesn’t happen. I promise you. 

Video below (of Tina Wallman) is kinda like soft-core poker porn. Might not qualify as soft-core, these days, with the stuff that’s on the TV. Just wanted to make sure you were warned.

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October 2008