Posts Tagged 'barack obama'

Rush Limbaugh Advocated the Overthrow of the American Government

Rush Limbaugh Supports The President, Just Not His Policies. Hey, That Excuse Was Good Enough for Liberals Under Bush, Why Can't It Work for Limbaugh?
Rush Limbaugh Supports The President, Just Not His Policies. Hey, That Excuse Was Good Enough for Liberals Under Bush, Why Can’t It Work for Limbaugh?

No, not really, and shame on you supposedly smart liberalis for either knowing it’s not true but running with it anyway, or for actually being dumb enough to miss Limbaugh’s point about Obama supporting the end to democracy in Honduras and support of a previously democratically elected president declaring himself President for Life, in violation of the Honduran constitution. Ah, well. Liberals only like freedom and liberty and Democracy for themselves, when they are in power, and only like dissent for themselves, and not for others.

Barack Obama Supports The Idea of the Honduran President Declaring Himself President for Life.
Barack Obama Supports The Idea of the Honduran President Declaring Himself President for Life.

In unrelated news, Barack Obama has taken to calling himself “El Presidente”, and has been quoted as saying: “Democracy is for suckers. Booyah!”

Really. It happened just like that.


The Obamameter is Going To Keep Track of Obama’s Performance

The Obama Meter will apparently keep track of how he performs on his campaign promises. Either it’ll say he’s done it all, whether or not he has, or it’ll keep track of what he actually does and nobody will care.

The Obama Meter Says 'No Action'

The Obama Meter Says 'No Action'

In other news, did the Historic Inaugral Celebration get to Diane Sawyer? Did she just not have enough time to sober up? Apparently, she seemed a little drunk after The Big Inaugural Party.

You’re also looking for Rush Limbaugh’s quote about hoping Obama fails.

What Rush said was:

Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it.

Meaning, he thinks Obama is advancing the cause of socialism, and wants him to fail at further institutionalizing socialism in America.

So, naturally, that means that Rush Limbaugh hates America. Uh-huh. Like all those present-day Obama supporters were hoping Bush succeeded in reforming Social Security and cutting taxes. Right.

Whatever. I hope Obama does a good job. But critics, like Rush, do get to criticize the president without being characterized as hating America–i.e., being “unpatriotic”.

Laterz, Internetz.

The Cult of Obama is a Little Creepy

And getting creepier. And I can’t be the only one to be a little weirded out by the love-obsession the Democrats, the media, the entertainment press, and I guess most of the American people apparently have for Our Divine Savior, Barack Obama.

He's Certainly Enjoyed His Share of Magazine Covers. Most of them at least respectful, many of them worshipful.

He's Certainly Enjoyed His Share of Magazine Covers. Most of them at least respectful, many of them worshipful.

The media loves him. Worships him. To the point where he could actually be much more dangerous and destructive than I think he actually is. This isn’t Barack’s fault, either–it’s the media, the modern political-entertainment-industrial complex, and the apparently very large percentage of the American people that are ripe to shave their heads, join a cult, and drink whatever Kool-Aid someone really cool (and well-spoken) is willing to offer them, especially if it comes with the promise of some sort of magical fix or government hand-out.

Barack Obama has graced the cover of Time Magazine many, many times. All of them flattering.

Barack Obama has graced the cover of Time Magazine many, many times. All of them flattering.

You think the folks at time were rooting for Barack Obama? Do you think they something approaching a religious devotion to Their New Glorious Leader? Well, you say, that’s just one cover. And, of course, you are right. But then . . . .Barack Obama, Looking Serious and Important and Wise on the Cover of Time.

Barack Obama, Looking Serious and Important and Wise on the Cover of Time.

 Oh, yeah. That’s harsh. Was Time making a bid for the position of Barack Obama’s free PR company? Or just the founding member of the Barack Obama Fan Club?

And, Yes, They Did an Issue Like This of John McCain. And, Yes, Obama Looks a Lot Better than McCain Did On His Covershot.

And, Yes, They Did an Issue Like This of John McCain. And, Yes, Obama Looks a Lot Better than McCain Did On His Covershot.

Is this The Face of God? Easy to believe that Time Magazine–a news magazine, so-called–thinks so.

And Then There Was this Cover, Which Concealed a Worshipful Story About How Far Obama Has Come and How Tough It was Growing Up But How There was Always Love in the Obama Household and . . .

And Then There Was this Cover, Which Concealed a Worshipful Story About How Far Obama Has Come and How Tough It was Growing Up But How There was Always Love in the Obama Household and . . .

And there was another Obama cover of Time Magazine featuring Obama as, naturally, FDR. 

Barack Obama as FDR. A Democrats Wet Dream. Sort of like Chairman Mao for The Rest of Us.

Barack Obama as FDR. A Democrats Wet Dream. Sort of like Chairman Mao for The Rest of Us.

Oh, how they love him. But it isn’t just Time. What about US?

The Same Objective Entertainment Mag That Did a Smear Job on Sarah Palin Loves Them Some Obamas.

The Same Objective Entertainment Mag That Did a Smear Job on Sarah Palin Loves Them Some Obamas.

Man, that was a hard hitting story about how wonderful the Obama’s are, how much they love each other, and perfect they are for each other and America, and how hard it is to be so perfect and wonderful and such a loving and perfect family. All hail our Glorious Leader. And his wife.

People Magazine Gush Over The Perfect and Wonderful Obamas, as Well.

People Magazine Gush Over The Perfect and Wonderful Obamas, as Well.

 You think People Magazine likes the Obamas? Because, you know, I can’t quite tell.

Esquire Raise Some Good Points About How Challenging it Must Be for Barack to Be Smart, Cool, Perfect, and Wonderful All The Same Time.

Esquire Raise Some Good Points About How Challenging it Must Be for Barack to Be Smart, Cool, Perfect, and Wonderful All The Same Time.

Esquire All Worships at the Church of Obama. Go figure.

Rolling Stone Calls Barack The New Hope. Oh, Joy.

Rolling Stone Calls Barack The New Hope. Oh, Joy.

And that doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. From specials on MTV with just-able-to-vote types being labeled “The ‘O’ Generation”, to Pepsi Becoming Obama Cola, every aspect of the American culture is infected with an unhealthy love, adoration, and uncritical worshipful adulation of The One.

I mentioned before that I was already tired of all the Obama love. Now that almost every news show and entertainment cable TV channel is an endless Obama infomercial, I tend to throw up in my mouth a little every time I see more Obama propaganda. Spiderman Fist-Bumps Our Maximum Leader, the Glorious Barack. Yurk. Traitorous little arachnid. Now There is the “We Are One” Concert, where we all get together a celebrate our Oneness in Service to the Obamamessiah

Soon, we will be obligated to make merry at the Obama Inaugural (reminds me of Ming’s wedding to Dale Arden in 1980’s Flash Gordon movie, where the banners advising that “All beings shall make merry . . . Under pain of death” are shown. But I digress). The most expensive Presidential Inaugural Ever. As in, 3 times more expensive than the most expensive presidential inaugural before. When Bush spent $43 million on his 2004 inaugural, the press thought it was a tragedy. Now it’s just fine

And, still, I haven’t scratched the surface. Every where I turn, I either get to see media and entertainment figures genuflecting before Obama’s greatness, or I’m advised that I had better get on my knees.

Rolling Stone Decided That a Cover with Barack Obama (with a little American Flag Lapel Pin Photoshopped In) Said All That They Needed To. Ergo, Barack Obama is a God and We should All Worship Him Uncritically. Go to it.

Rolling Stone Decided That a Cover with Barack Obama (with a little American Flag Lapel Pin Photoshopped In) Said All That They Needed To. Ergo, Barack Obama is a God and We should All Worship Him Uncritically. Go to it.

Or I’m treated to “news” that essentially asks the question: How can Obama be so wonderful, and how did he become so wonderful, and was he always wonderful or did he start out kind of wonderful and then become really wonderful as he grew older?

Now, that’s new you can use.

Savage Dragon Endorse Obama. Comic Book Artists Endorse Obama! As The Second Coming! Who Woulda Thunk It?
Savage Dragon Endorse Obama. Comic Book Artists Endorse Obama! As The Second Coming! Who Woulda Thunk It?

Savage Dragon endorsed Obama. A very hard-won endorsement, no doubt. Because Obama is, like, a modern Superman. Except he doesn’t actually capture criminals, fight crime, or solve problems of any kind. Or have any super powers. Or look good in red-and-blue tights.

Young Blood I Think Features Obama As a Character in the Comic. Selecting a Super-Team to Go with the Super President or Something.
Young Blood I Think Features Obama As a Character in the Comic. Selecting a Super-Team to Go with the Super President or Something.

Oh, our beloved Obama. So no need to send me to an Obama Indoctrination Camp.

Susan Rice to Advise Obama on Best Cyber Monday Deals, and Tina Fey’s Scar

Tina Fey has a scar, and finally tells people the ugly story as to how she got it, and the Internetz is very interested in it.

Tina Fey has a scar, and finally tells people the ugly story as to how she got it, and the Internetz is very interested in it.

So Tina Fey has finally told the world how she got her scar. Apparently she got slashed by a stranger when she was five, which is an odd story. But this world is full of bastardz and weirdoze.

You’re searching on Susan Rice, who Obama is appointing to be the US envoy to the UN. You’re also looking for the best Cyber Monday sales deals.

I dunno about the best Cyber Monday deals, but I know the best place to get high quality software, 24/7, 365 days a year. Doesn’t require a special Monday! Always great prices on Microsoft Office and Works. Just saying.

Also, you can go ahead and get a head start on your New Years resolution, with nifty exercise equipment (with a therapeutic flare) from DME Supply Group.

You’re also searching, again, for information on the Posse Comitatus Act. Posse Comitatus basically means that the U.S. Military cannot be used within our borders. Some people thing Bush is trying to repeal it, because he’s evil and wants the government to do bad things. I dunno. I suppose we will see.

Now, that is what I call a Pirate Ship! No wonder the Somali Pirates wanted it.

Now, that is what I call a Pirate Ship! No wonder the Somali Pirates wanted it.

In other news, Somali Pirates attacked the cruise ship the Oceania Nautica. Apparently, they wanted more luxurious quarters, better eating facilities, and towel monkeys on their beds.

Last, it’s not a meme, but I’m writing a book online, sorta. It’s called Book of Magic, check it out if you’d like read a deep-and-slow online teen-romance sci-fi novel set in the 1980s.

Welcome to Obama’s Animal Farm


Animal Farm. This is from a Slate article re-doing literary classics as pulp fiction covers. Pretty cool.

Animal Farm. This is from a Slate article re-doing literary classics as pulp fiction covers. Pretty cool.

Where “change” means never having to spell out your agenda.

Very strange hopey-changey stuff going on at Obama’s website. 

It used to have several pages of specific policy stuff. Not perfect–lots of broad strokes were ugly stuff could be lurking in the details–but it was something.

Not anymore! Now all the Agenda page says is:

President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden have developed innovative approaches to challenge the status quo in Washington and to bring about the kind of change America needs.

The Obama Administration has a comprehensive and detailed agenda to carry out its policies. The principal priorities of the Obama Administration include: a plan to revive the economy, to fix our health care, education, and social security systems, to define a clear path to energy independence, to end the war in Iraq responsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan, and to work with our allies to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, among many other domestic and foreign policy objectives.

Of course, there’s the Google Cache. And I thought the Obamaramas were so Internet savvy and so much smarter than any politician that has ever existed before. More motivated bloggers than me are making sure they got copies of everything that was on Obama’s hope-and-changey site. Why in the world did they pull it down? 

Nothing I saw was that bad. Especially for liberals. If this is how they’re going to react to every criticism, welcome to Clinton II. 

Remember in Animal Farm, where at the beginning they painted a bunch of rules and rights for animals on the barn wall, and then slowly each rule got painted out? Does that sound familiar? Or am I smoking the green crack? Goes Online. Jesikah Maximus to Be Redistributed to Various Unwashed Neckbeards to Make Things Fair.

Oops. I meant, goes online. Ooops, wrong again. I meant, goes online. It’s an important news story.

Barack Obamas New Agenda to Secure the Undecideds, Non-Believers and Other Heretics.
Barack Obamas New Agenda to Secure the Undecideds, Non-Believers and Other Heretics.

The Agenda?

Barack Obama and Joe Biden will enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil company profits to give American families an immediate $1,000 emergency energy rebate to help families pay rising bills.

Well, sounds fair. And it will be. Especially when they do it to your small business, or just to you as an independent contractor. Or the folks you work for, so they have to fire you. And, um, this isn’t socialism? Really? No?

Barack Obama will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year. This proposal will eliminate income taxes for 7 million seniors and provide these seniors with an average savings of $1,400 each year. Under the Obama-Biden plan, 27 million American seniors will also not need to file an income tax return.

Seriously? Awesome. If true, I can get behind our new president. On this one. That’s smart, fair, and 180 degrees out of phase with Bill Clinton’s raising of the taxes levied against Social Security for seniors. Okay, then. Yay, Barack!

Obama and Biden will dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes. Obama and Biden will ensure that the IRS uses the information it already gets from banks and employers to give taxpayers the option of pre-filled tax forms to verify, sign and return.

Uh-huh. Look, most folks are going to be smart enough to know that’s an effort to keep them from taking advantage of all their deductions, and will continue to pay a tax preparer. Trying to put individual accountants and Quickbooks out of business? Nice try, but no dice.

Obama and Biden believe that NAFTA and its potential were oversold to the American people. They will work with the leaders of Canada and Mexico to fix NAFTA so that it works for American workers.

Um, there we go. Lollipops and rainbows. We can keep all the good without any of the bad! We can have our lunch, only, get this, we don’t have to pay for it! We can have all the benefits of NAFTA without any of the responsibilities. It’s awesome!

Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that companies should not get billions of dollars in tax deductions for moving their operations overseas. Obama and Biden will also fight to ensure that public contracts are awarded to companies that are committed to American workers.

This is not inherently bad. In fact, in the abstract, I think it’s a good idea. But it’s one of those ideas where the devil is in the details, and the details could turn out to be unpretty. But end of the world? Not hardly.

Obama and Biden will create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to identify and invest in the most compelling advanced manufacturing strategies.

Sounds nice. But this is generally the sort of thing the government does not do well at all. Historically, the record has been “meh”. Not disastrous, mind you. Not end of the world. Just “meh”. Money, meet toilet. Flush.

Next, I skip a dozen other ways the government is going to magically create new businesses and green technologies and make clean, renewable energy from rainbows and unicorns. It does not work. It never has, it won’t now. In every single case, I predict: Place money into toilet. Flush. Repeat. I hope I’m wrong. Generally, these sorts of things sound good, and accomplish nothing.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that it is critically important for the United States to rebuild its national transportation infrastructure – its highways, bridges, roads, ports, air, and train systems – to strengthen user safety, bolster our long-term competitiveness and ensure our economy continues to grow.

You know, you can say what you want about this, but if it happens the way it’s painted in the broad strokes, it’s a good thing. New Interstates create commerce. Maintaining bridges and roads and expanding them and improving them and adding exits to the Interstates–this is generally good stuff. The return on investment for the overall economy may be low and slow, but it is there. And roads are what they are. They aren’t built with the idea of specific businesses suddenly cropping up along the road, it just provides a place where it can happen, and a way to get there. Some right wing pundits are dismissing this, while I personally think this can do some long term good. And it’s investment that well bear fruit for decades to come, unlike most of the initiatives the government likes to come up with.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden support doubling federal funding for basic research and changing the posture of our federal government from being one of the most anti-science administrations in American history to one that embraces science and technology.

All right. I suppose they have to throw in some anti-Bush lies to make the moonbats happy. But it just isn’t true. Not remotely. First president to provide any funding whatsoever for stem-cell research? George W. Bush. But, nevermind that. I also expect this is codespeak for “this money will be provided to The First Church of Global Warming for expanding the church, proslytizing, and other good works in the name of Gaea”.

Make the Reasearch and Development tax cut permanent.

Hey, this is good. Credit where credit is due.

Ensure Freedom to Unionize. Fight Attacks on Workers’ Right to Organize. Protect Striking Workers. Raise the Minimum Wage. All bad. Won’t get into it now.

“Protect Homeownership and Crack Down on Mortgage Fraud”, they say. Read it yourself. It sounds like more of the same and worse that got us into this mess in the first place.

Then a list of other European style socialist programs, most of which are potentially acceptable. Might be good, might be bad. The devil, as it so often is, will be in the details.

Still waiting for details on Obamas Plan to Redistribute Hot Chicks to Internet Geeks. That was part of his platform, right?
Still waiting for details on Obama’s Plan to Redistribute Hot Chicks to Internet Geeks. That was part of his platform, right?
Obama has promised to spread the wealth. Awright. I am waiting.
Obama has promised to spread the wealth. Awright. I am waiting.

Where Do You Vote? Voting Locations? Voting Polls?

Where am I registered to vote? Seriously? You don’t know where you’re registered to vote? And you’re just trying to figure it out now? The day before election day?

I’m glad you’re all so civic-minded, Internetz, but, uhm, aren’t you just a little bit tardy? I’ve known where I’m voting for years.

Voting locations are, naturally, different everywhere. So you better ad your local county, city or municipality to your search. Just saying.

Google Maps is listing most voting locations. Of course, gazillionaire Google CEO backs Obama. So be careful.

Well, remember, you have an importance choice before you. Obama Girl supports Barack Obama.

She supports Barack Obama. She is also hot. Important to consider. But what kind of wealth will she want to redistribute while she distracts you with her naughty nibbly bits? Hmm?
She supports Barack Obama. She is also hot. Important to consider. But what kind of wealth will she want to redistribute while she distracts you with her naughty nibbly bits? Hmm?
McCain girl is also hot. While the decision is hard, I think I know who deserves my vote.
McCain girl is also hot. While the decision is hard, I think I know who deserves my vote.

Oh, yeah. I know who I like in this election.

Gotta love McCain Girl and the Enchanted Republican Forest.

Yeah, I know they’re making fun of Republicans. It’s still a great video.

I think I’ve got a new hero in Don’t Tax Me Turtle.

Kimberly Caldwell is Dating Somebody; Carol Anne Burger Is Not

Kimerbly Caldwell is Cute. Thats the Only Interesting Thing About This Story.
Kimerbly Caldwell is Cute. That’s the Only Interesting Thing About This Story.

And she’s dating David Cook. Done.

Carole Anne Burger, Writer for Huffington Post, Commits Murder/Suicide Over Breakup With Lesbian Lover
Carole Anne Burger, Writer for Huffington Post, Commits Murder/Suicide Over Breakup With Lesbian Lover

In other news, writer for the Huffington Post Carole Anne Burger stabbed her lover 220 times and then comitted suicide. Ace of Spades sees it as indicative of the kind of people attracted to writing at the Huffington Post.

HuffPo wants to tell a different story than what apparently happened. Not sure what their motivation is, there, but murder/suicide seems the most likely answer here, so I’m not sure why they are speculating she was distraught after her partner she was in an apparently acrimonious separation from was found stabbed 220 times. Occam’s razor, my friends.

Super Politician, Barack Obama, Not Personally His Brother or Sisters Keeper.
Super Politician, Barack Obama, Not Personally His Brother or Sisters Keeper.

In politics, Barack “I Am My Brother’s Keeper” Obama apparently is not his aunt’s keeper–or let’s hope not, for our sakes–as his aunt, Zeituni Onyango, was recently found living in a slum in Boston, with no help from the cash-flush Obama, but apparently she has to been told to keep quiet. This is on top of his half-brother, George Hussein Onyango Obama, who lives in a hut in Kenya.

Baracks Brother, George Hussein Onyango Obama, is a Living Testament that Barack Wants To Share Your Wealth, Not His.
Barack’s Brother, George Hussein Onyango Obama, is a Living Testament that Barack Wants To Share Your Wealth, Not His.

Obama Is Only Going To Tax Rich People Making Over $250k

No, make that anyone making over $200k. No, wait, make that anybody making over $150k. No, wait, make that . . . 

The New Official American Currency, After the Ascension of The Obama

The New Official American Currency, After the Ascension of The Obama

And he’s letting the Bush tax cuts expire so, everybody’s taxes go up. But that’s not really a tax increase.

And, after all, he’s only raising taxes on rich people who make more than $65k per year.

Australian Journalists Think It Will Be Awesome to Have Obama as President

this is a fake picture. I know it. Its cool. Dont be a gonad.

Obama has lived in a Muslim country and has Muslim friends. How awesome. Please note, for doofuses out there: this is a fake picture. I know it. It's cool. Don't be a gonad.

One reason? He’s lived in a Muslim country. This may have something to do with why you’re looking for Maya Soetoro, one of Obama’s many half-siblings.

How extraordinary to have a US president who not only knows where Indonesia is but who has actually lived there; a president who has lived in a Muslim country.

Yeah, that’s awesome. With enemies salivating abroad and economic destruction here at home, that’s what I’m excited about: a president who has lived in a Muslim country. Awesome!

Maya was interviewed by the New York Times Magazine.

Today, more than anything, I wish all the women in Barack’s life — our mother, his wife and daughters, my daughter, our grandmother, his Kenyan half-sister — I wish we could all sit together and gaze at the moon.

Well, I’m sold. Vote Obama.

Obama Supporter Beats up McCain Supporter; “Kill Him!” at Scranton Rally Never Happened. What Get’s Reported As Fact, And What Doesn’t Get Reported At All?

Obama supporter beats woman with own campaign sign, for daring to not support The One. In other news, turns out Scranton-Times Tribune “reporter” who “reported” on the incident of someone yelling “kill him” at a Palin rally just made it up. Fortunately for the reporter, despite having absolutely no corroborating evidence for his bizarre assertion, it was at a rally with lots of people. So it could have happened. So it isn’t technically “a lie”. It’s, um, “creative” journalism. Naturally. And, naturally, it’s uncritically picked up by media everywhere and trumpeted as fact, even though their ain’t a shred of evidence. 


The Palin Doctrine. If Only. And I think there is plenty evidence of constant, imminent, never-ending attack.

The Palin Doctrine. If Only. And I think there is plenty evidence of constant, imminent, never-ending attack.


HuffPo originally covered the made up Scranton “kill him” quote as having happened “again”, even though there is no evidence that it ever happened a first time. At the time, I don’t think there was even yet an accusation that it had happened somewhere else. But why let that stop you, when you’ve got politically reporting to do? Facts just get in the way!

More on the fantastical “kill him” that never was.

Some more love from Obama supporters for their political rivals. Apparently, they want to “sh*t on our stinking souls”. Lovely! 

A couple of more Obama supporters attacking McCain supporters. Giving the wide coverage and commentary of the “kill him” shout that never was, I’m sure the mainstream media will be trumpeting these stories all over the place real soon.

Barack Obama Endorses Colin Powell for President!

Barack Obama Endorses Colin Powell for President. Cuz Powell Rocks, says Obama.

Barack Obama Endorses Colin Powell for President. Cuz Powell Rocks, says Obama.

In a surprise move, Barack Obama has endorsed Colin Powell for president.

Endorsed by Barack Obama for President.

Colin Powell: Endorsed by Barack Obama for President.

Barack says, “Look. He’s just more experienced than me. He’s a great military man. And he’s much better on the issues than John McCain. He’ll be a great president. I’m still running, because Michelle said I had to, but I sure hope everybody gets out in November and votes for Colin Powell to be the next president of the United States!”

Wow. I didn’t see this one coming.

Sarah Palin Porn Does Not Come Up In Debate

Bob Schieffer was afraid to ask the hard questions. Like, is it true there’s going to be a 3-way in the Oval Orifice?

Bob Schieffer Actually Asked Some of the More Ballsy Debate Questions. Good show, Bob. Good show.

Bob Schieffer Actually Asked Some of the More Ballsy Debate Questions. Good show, Bob. Good show.

Still, he could’ve quoted Weather Underdog Terrorizer Bill Ayers, who Obama has worked with on education projects, and had this to say in 1970: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.

Um, Ayres said that, not Obama. Obama just said: “I want your money. Gimmee.”

To repeat, Obama associate Bill Ayres once said: “Kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”

My, that’s a mighty fine educational philosophy. I hope he’s modulated it some, since then.

Okee-dokee. Back to Palin Porn.

Heres Larry Flynts Palin, Lisa Ann. Yah, shes cute but . . . she aint no Sarah Palin. Sorry.

Here's Larry Flynt's Palin, Lisa Ann. Yah, she's cute but . . . she ain't no Sarah Palin. Sorry.

I gotta say. Nothing against Lisa Ann, or any of the hardworking adult film stars that make the porn industry in America one of the world’s finest, but, ya know, she just ain’t . . . Sarah. Not even close.

Sarah Palin. Kicking Ass and Naming Names. If only John McLame would do that.

Sarah Palin. Kicking Ass and Naming Names. If only John McLame would do that.

Palin Visits the Site of the Former World Trade Center. Should terrorist die under a blazing rain of good old American-made bombs? You betcha!

Palin Visits the Site of the Former World Trade Center. Should terrorist die under a blazing rain of good old American-made bombs? You betcha!

Oh, yeah. Sorry, Lisa Ann. You just cant compare. It aint all about the mammaries, sweety. There is class. There is poise. Their is raw charisma. Palin has what you just aint got.

Oh, yeah. Sorry, Lisa Ann. You just can't compare. It ain't all about the mammaries, sweety. There is class. There is poise. There is raw charisma. Palin has what you just ain't got. Sorry.

Linda Larkin Debates Senator Government and John McTame

Linda Larkin. That’s a very 1960’s Marvel’s Comics kind of name.

Linda Larkin is a Well Known Stage Actress. Yawn.

Linda Larkin is a Well Known Stage Actress. Yawn.

Cute enough. But you probably know her better when she’s dressed like this:

Linda Larkin was the voice of Princess Jasmine. Funny, she doesnt look middle-eastern.

Linda Larkin was the voice of Princess Jasmine. Funny, she doesn't look middle-eastern. Linda Larkin, I mean. Very in-authentic. Of Disney.

Apparently there’s an Obama Tax Calculator so we can calculate the tax cut we might theoretically get, if doesn’t turn out that the Democratics just need to raise all our taxes because of how bad things really are, which is how it usually works. Must’ve come up in the debate that was on while I was busy flossing my toes.

That One and the Old Guy Debate About Who Can Blink And Smirk The Most.
That One and the Old Guy Debate About Who Can Blink And Smirk The Most.


You’re searching up a storm, all of a sudden, on the term ‘litmus test‘. Fair enough. But what is a real litmus test, anyway? Haven’t you ever asked yourself that question?

There are apparently so many of you thinking they are saying “lipness test” that you are searching for a lipness test. Lipness. That’s just sad, Internets. Truly said.

The Answer to The Great Debate question of Supreme Court litmus tests? Abortion is bad, but Obama likes ’em better than McCain, because McCain likes babies and Obama thinks women should get to choose their womb contents. Concise, done, next topic.

Amazingly, there was a lot of looking up of the word repudiate during the debate. Seriously, you don’t know what repudiate means? Damn, we need ourselves some of those charter schools, like they busy kickin’ it wit’ in DC.

They could at least get us some school vouchers or sumtin’.

During the Great Debate that happened at some point in the recent past of tonight when I’m writing this, McTame called The Obamarama “Senator Government“. Which is a great frickin’ line. Democratic blogs I’ve been reading think it was an accident, and maybe it wuz, but I hope it was on purpose. Good line. 

Senator Government is clearly going to become the new in-slam to throw down at Obama. It’s already cropping up all over.

You’re also looking up “Sarah Palin Autism”, cuz you either think McCain was saying Palin’s youngest child has autism (he does not) and wanted to go nyah-nyah on him, or you think Sarah Palin has autism. She does not.

This guy is named Dr. Goo, and the autism thing pissed him off. Everything McCain said pissed him off. But then, his name is Dr. Goo, why do we care what frickin’ pissed this jackhole off?

I like the line about how he almost punched his mother’s big screen TV. The more kids that live at home and live off their parents indefinitely, the more Democratics we’re going to have in this country. Bye-bye, country.

It’s The Obama Surprise. In October! Barack Obama is Not a Citizen of America!

Illuminati Pictures reveals the October Surprise. Interesting. If a little long.

Best of luck on the Obama-is-not-constitutionally-qualified-to-be-president strategy. Lefties tried the same thing against Bush and Cheney, went nowhere. They also tried it against McCain, amazingly. Went nowhere.

Hate to say it, he sounds a little like Andrew Sullivan demanding that Sarah Palin prove Trig is actually her child, and not Britsol Palin’s.  Though Sully is a little more creepy and emotionally troubled than Philip J. Berg. BTW, if you haven’t done so already, go read Howard Kurtz on Andrew Sullivan’s deep creepiness on this issue.

Tho, as I listen to the whole long thing, Berg does seem to have a point.

Illuminati TV also has lots of other interesting things to say about Obama. I’m amazed YouTube hasn’t yanked ’em all.

 Hat tip to Woods Walker at Subtle Oak Flavor.

May 2024