Posts Tagged 'obama'

The Economic Recession is Over!

Obama puppet Larry Summers said so. His evidence? People are searching less for the term “economic recession” on Google.

So. There ya go.

Obama Likes Back, And He Cannot Lie

No other president can deny. When a girl walks by, with a little-bitty waist, and a round thing in his face . . .

‘Bama likes back!

Obama Takes a Gander and a Fresh Chicken.

Obama takes a gander. Ah, it’s good to be the King. I mean, the President. Oh, heck, let’s admit it. King! All hail, King Obamamarama.

Mel Brooks knew it. It’s good–very good–to be the king.

In unrelated news, I like those Medline Baby Blankets. The Ones with Ducks.

You Guys Got Something Interesting Planned?

I dunno, but apparently a lot of you are searching for bullet proof clothing.

Or maybe you’re searching for Obama’s bullet proof suit for the inauguration. Because, you know, all those crazy right winger who want to kill the president.

Obama is Bullet Proof, Baby!

Obama is Bullet Proof, Baby!

Obama Lifts Bush’s Non Existent Restrictions on Stem Cell Research

And what good timing, given all the advances that have been made in non-fetal stem cell research.

Obama Spends More Money on Fetal Stem Cell Research, and the New York Times Acts as if The Nazis Have Been Defeated and Apartheid has been Repealed. Simultaneously.

Obama Spends More Money on Fetal Stem Cell Research, and the New York Times Acts as if The Nazis Have Been Defeated and Apartheid has been Repealed. Simultaneously.

But, the New York Times is so happy that Obama is giving the a-okay to government funded harvesting of embryos, the facts don’t matter, either about Bush’s non-existent restrictions on stem cell research or the serious advances in non-fetal stem cell research.

What am I saying? The facts never matter to the New York Times.

There was no federal funding at all of embryonic stem cell research before Bush. The “limitations” were on using new stem cells, in America, and only applied to researchers getting federal funding–ergo, the limitation only applied to those researchers spending the tax payers money instead of their own, or the donations of interested parties.

There was never any stem cell ban. There are no restrictions being lifted, criteria is just being expanded.

And on and on. The whole thing is just stupid.

Never mind. I was checking out of the whole politics thing. I need to stay there. People are tedious, uninformed, and willing the believe total bullshizzle and put Big Brother in charge of their lives and give up everybody else’s money, so what am I gonna do?

Sit around and wait for the next release of Super Paper Mario or the next Legend of Zelda title. Those will be awesome. It’s what any rational person would do, given the state of things.

The Cult of Obama is a Little Creepy

And getting creepier. And I can’t be the only one to be a little weirded out by the love-obsession the Democrats, the media, the entertainment press, and I guess most of the American people apparently have for Our Divine Savior, Barack Obama.

He's Certainly Enjoyed His Share of Magazine Covers. Most of them at least respectful, many of them worshipful.

He's Certainly Enjoyed His Share of Magazine Covers. Most of them at least respectful, many of them worshipful.

The media loves him. Worships him. To the point where he could actually be much more dangerous and destructive than I think he actually is. This isn’t Barack’s fault, either–it’s the media, the modern political-entertainment-industrial complex, and the apparently very large percentage of the American people that are ripe to shave their heads, join a cult, and drink whatever Kool-Aid someone really cool (and well-spoken) is willing to offer them, especially if it comes with the promise of some sort of magical fix or government hand-out.

Barack Obama has graced the cover of Time Magazine many, many times. All of them flattering.

Barack Obama has graced the cover of Time Magazine many, many times. All of them flattering.

You think the folks at time were rooting for Barack Obama? Do you think they something approaching a religious devotion to Their New Glorious Leader? Well, you say, that’s just one cover. And, of course, you are right. But then . . . .Barack Obama, Looking Serious and Important and Wise on the Cover of Time.

Barack Obama, Looking Serious and Important and Wise on the Cover of Time.

 Oh, yeah. That’s harsh. Was Time making a bid for the position of Barack Obama’s free PR company? Or just the founding member of the Barack Obama Fan Club?

And, Yes, They Did an Issue Like This of John McCain. And, Yes, Obama Looks a Lot Better than McCain Did On His Covershot.

And, Yes, They Did an Issue Like This of John McCain. And, Yes, Obama Looks a Lot Better than McCain Did On His Covershot.

Is this The Face of God? Easy to believe that Time Magazine–a news magazine, so-called–thinks so.

And Then There Was this Cover, Which Concealed a Worshipful Story About How Far Obama Has Come and How Tough It was Growing Up But How There was Always Love in the Obama Household and . . .

And Then There Was this Cover, Which Concealed a Worshipful Story About How Far Obama Has Come and How Tough It was Growing Up But How There was Always Love in the Obama Household and . . .

And there was another Obama cover of Time Magazine featuring Obama as, naturally, FDR. 

Barack Obama as FDR. A Democrats Wet Dream. Sort of like Chairman Mao for The Rest of Us.

Barack Obama as FDR. A Democrats Wet Dream. Sort of like Chairman Mao for The Rest of Us.

Oh, how they love him. But it isn’t just Time. What about US?

The Same Objective Entertainment Mag That Did a Smear Job on Sarah Palin Loves Them Some Obamas.

The Same Objective Entertainment Mag That Did a Smear Job on Sarah Palin Loves Them Some Obamas.

Man, that was a hard hitting story about how wonderful the Obama’s are, how much they love each other, and perfect they are for each other and America, and how hard it is to be so perfect and wonderful and such a loving and perfect family. All hail our Glorious Leader. And his wife.

People Magazine Gush Over The Perfect and Wonderful Obamas, as Well.

People Magazine Gush Over The Perfect and Wonderful Obamas, as Well.

 You think People Magazine likes the Obamas? Because, you know, I can’t quite tell.

Esquire Raise Some Good Points About How Challenging it Must Be for Barack to Be Smart, Cool, Perfect, and Wonderful All The Same Time.

Esquire Raise Some Good Points About How Challenging it Must Be for Barack to Be Smart, Cool, Perfect, and Wonderful All The Same Time.

Esquire All Worships at the Church of Obama. Go figure.

Rolling Stone Calls Barack The New Hope. Oh, Joy.

Rolling Stone Calls Barack The New Hope. Oh, Joy.

And that doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. From specials on MTV with just-able-to-vote types being labeled “The ‘O’ Generation”, to Pepsi Becoming Obama Cola, every aspect of the American culture is infected with an unhealthy love, adoration, and uncritical worshipful adulation of The One.

I mentioned before that I was already tired of all the Obama love. Now that almost every news show and entertainment cable TV channel is an endless Obama infomercial, I tend to throw up in my mouth a little every time I see more Obama propaganda. Spiderman Fist-Bumps Our Maximum Leader, the Glorious Barack. Yurk. Traitorous little arachnid. Now There is the “We Are One” Concert, where we all get together a celebrate our Oneness in Service to the Obamamessiah

Soon, we will be obligated to make merry at the Obama Inaugural (reminds me of Ming’s wedding to Dale Arden in 1980’s Flash Gordon movie, where the banners advising that “All beings shall make merry . . . Under pain of death” are shown. But I digress). The most expensive Presidential Inaugural Ever. As in, 3 times more expensive than the most expensive presidential inaugural before. When Bush spent $43 million on his 2004 inaugural, the press thought it was a tragedy. Now it’s just fine

And, still, I haven’t scratched the surface. Every where I turn, I either get to see media and entertainment figures genuflecting before Obama’s greatness, or I’m advised that I had better get on my knees.

Rolling Stone Decided That a Cover with Barack Obama (with a little American Flag Lapel Pin Photoshopped In) Said All That They Needed To. Ergo, Barack Obama is a God and We should All Worship Him Uncritically. Go to it.

Rolling Stone Decided That a Cover with Barack Obama (with a little American Flag Lapel Pin Photoshopped In) Said All That They Needed To. Ergo, Barack Obama is a God and We should All Worship Him Uncritically. Go to it.

Or I’m treated to “news” that essentially asks the question: How can Obama be so wonderful, and how did he become so wonderful, and was he always wonderful or did he start out kind of wonderful and then become really wonderful as he grew older?

Now, that’s new you can use.

Savage Dragon Endorse Obama. Comic Book Artists Endorse Obama! As The Second Coming! Who Woulda Thunk It?
Savage Dragon Endorse Obama. Comic Book Artists Endorse Obama! As The Second Coming! Who Woulda Thunk It?

Savage Dragon endorsed Obama. A very hard-won endorsement, no doubt. Because Obama is, like, a modern Superman. Except he doesn’t actually capture criminals, fight crime, or solve problems of any kind. Or have any super powers. Or look good in red-and-blue tights.

Young Blood I Think Features Obama As a Character in the Comic. Selecting a Super-Team to Go with the Super President or Something.
Young Blood I Think Features Obama As a Character in the Comic. Selecting a Super-Team to Go with the Super President or Something.

Oh, our beloved Obama. So no need to send me to an Obama Indoctrination Camp.

Are All Liberals Going to Be This Insufferable? Graceless and Hubristic Victors?

The short answer is yes. What am I talking about? 

Well, Ezra Klein, for one. Who I normally like. I disagree with him, but he often seems thoughtful and serious and interesting. Then he comes up with stuff like this

Barack Hussein Obama was, arguably, the country’s most unlikely candidate for highest office. He embodied, or at least invoked, much of what America feared. His color recalled our racist past. His name was a reminder of our anxious present. His spiritual mentor displayed a streak of radical Afro-nationalism. He knew domestic terrorists and had lived in predominantly Muslim countries. There was hardly a specter lurking in the American subconscious that he did not call forth.

Excuse me. I have to barf.


Cute Baby. Appropriate Sentiment.

Cute Baby. Appropriate Sentiment.

No, dude. He’s a flockin’ socialist. He says he’s going to take money from rich people and give it to everybody else, and he’s going to deliver easy solutions to all our problems, and he’s really convincing. And more people liked the idea of the government taking somebody else’s money and giving it to them, this time around. People like hand outs. It’s a fact.

Oh, Jeepers H. Crackers. 

And that was his great strength. He robbed fear of its ability to work through quiet insinuation. He forced America to confront its own subconscious. 

He will make the lame walk, He will make the blind to see! Could it be any more messianic? I fear for my need of anti-nausea medications over the next four years.

Simon Cowell and Terri Seymour Splitting Up? And John McCain on SNL

Apparently, they are splitting up. Or, hold on, maybe they aren’t.


A crappy picture of both of them. Which one do you think is more attractive?

A crappy picture of both of them. Which one do you think is more attractive?

If they do split, I think I know what went wrong. “That meatloaf was awful. It didn’t even taste like food. And last night? I’ve seen more passion out of am 80 year old nun. You were horrible. Horrible! And you just aren’t star material.”


John McCain Sings The Hits.

John McCain Sings The Hits.

In other news, John McCain was on SNL last night. Pretty funny stuff. He does his own infomercial. On the Home Shopping Network. Take that, Obamarama! BTW, Ralph Nader calls him Obamarama, too.

But, back to the topic at hand. Saturday Night Live has proven itself more politically relevant, and risk taking, this year than it has in, what? A decade? Props, SNL. Props.

As for McCain, I think he’s just holding on, hoping for The Bradley Effect to kick in at the last minute. Me, I’m hoping the Oh-My-Gosh-I-Don’t-Really-Want-To-Put-A-Socialist-60s-Radical-In-The-Whitehouse effect kicks in. But I don’t think it will.

So, all hail Our Glorious Leader! I love me some Obama. No need to round me up and put me in a camp. No, no indeed.

And now, a randomly hot chick who is so gorgeous it makes my teeth hurt, and the fact she was probably born the same year I graduated from high school makes me feel very old. Very, very old. But here she is.


A randomly hot babe. Cuz if she is covering her nozzles, it aint technically nudity. Not exactly.

A randomly hot babe. Cuz if she is covering her nozzles, it aint technically nudity. Not exactly.

Obama Says Constitution is Fundamentally Flawed

Obama says there isn’t enough redistribution of wealth based on “economic justice”, i.e., race.

Hear about how are constitution is flawed from the horses mouth, so to speak:

Meanwhile, Palin hi-fives the Constitution:

Palin Rocks on SNL. Shes down with the Constitution Just Like it Is. She Thinks its both Phat and Dope.
Palin Rocks on SNL. She’s down with the Constitution Just Like it Is. She Thinks it’s both Phat and Dope.
More Obama on the Constitution of These United States:
I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and that the framers had that same blind spot. I don’t think the two views are contradictory to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now, and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.
Leftist front groups like Media Matters are trying to downplay it, but it takes some awfully creative spinning. I don’t know how else you can interpret those statements except to say that Obama thinks the Constitution is flawed, was fine for what it did at the time but now needs to be fixed, changed, corrected for or tossed out.
More at Freedom’s Wings. Which I originally read as “Freedom Swings”, which I though was a cool blog title.

You Want the Tax Cut Facts? Democrats Will Raise Your Taxes. Period.

Try The CATO Institute. If you’re looking for TaxCutFacts.Org, the site set up by the Obama campaign that, surprisingly, finds that Obama has the better tax plan, well, you know where to find it. And about how far you can trust it.


Kinda says it all. And so pithy, too.

Kinda says it all. And so pithy, too.

The reality is, Democrats don’t every cut taxes. Period. 


All Hail Obama. Surrender your wallets.

All Hail Obama. Surrender your wallets.

This guys isn’t going to, either. While a rational person isn’t going to be rooting for higher taxes on the folks who hire people, build businesses, and purchases services and products from other businesses that help keep the real world running–the rational person also recognizes that the reality is, with Obama, you aren’t going to get a tax cut. You aren’t. Democrats do not cut taxes. Ever.

Bill Clinton promised a middle-class tax cut. During the campaign.

What happened with that? Oh, that’s right. It didn’t.


Yes We Can. Raise Your Taxes. Ha-ha, Fooled You!

Yes We Can. Raise Your Taxes. Ha-ha, Fooled You!

I mean, there will be a good reason. Some sort of spin. A really great reason that, even though more taxes are disappearing from your paycheck and your 401k has just been unilaterally taken over by Big Brother, you somehow got a tax cut, even though you’re getting less money. It really was a tax cut. Only, the extra service charges and hidden fees and special deductions and other things mean, yes, you are technically getting less money now. But Obama still gave you that middle-class tax cut. That somehow cost you money.

Or, maybe it’s that Biden emergency. After that generated crisis Biden talked about, things are too dire. Everybody must understand that, even though we go through with the tax increases, we can’t do the tax cuts now. Not with this crisis.


Obama Gonna Pwn all You Noobs and Your Moneys.

Obama Gonna Pwn all You Noobs and Your Moneys.



McCain’s tax cuts might not sound as good as Obama’s, but they are much more likely to actually show up. Not a guarantee–McCain ain’t exactly a rock-ribbed Reagan conservative. But more likely.

What is a guarantee, that, if you work–and I mean, work much at all–the Democrats will take more of your money from you. The Bush tax cuts will expire. The Democrats will come up with programs that “cut” your taxes while taking more “investments” out of your paychecks.

How do I know this? Because they will. They cannot help it. Taking more of your money is a congenital condition with Democrats. It’s not something they can stop, except by becoming Republicans. And often, not even that will do it.

What Just Happened? The Rein. And, The Democratics Burned Down the House

That’s a good question. The American Issues Project has an answer:

And this ad from the McCain camp has a little something to say on the issue, too:

Here’s Frank Luntz on the Most Effective Anti-Obama Ad Evah!  So naturally McCain doesn’t want to run it.

Maybe so. Still not as effective, if you ask me, is the more indepth overview of Republicans trying to prevent the financial meltdown while Democrats fought ’em tooth and nail. List to all the Democrats saying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are fine and don’t need any oversight or changes, and how bad Republicans are for even bringing them up. Seriously, it’s amazing. The whole financial mess is tied to the Democrats in a big way right here, and does the McCain camp point people to a website? Offer this video anywhere?

Sheesh. Anyway, here it is:

And don’t forget the follow up, Democratics Be Burning Down the House:

Yah. You wanna know What Just Happened? That just happened, people.

And more, about Bank Affirmative Action. Obama. ACORN. It’s all there.

Forget the debates and the lameness thereof, Internets. This is your homework. You want more financial destruction, elect more Democrats. They think you do want it. And they will be delivering it to you, real soon now. In fact, Democrats can’t even wait for the traditional inauguration day to get into your wallets and start using the global economy as their personal piggy banks.

Sarah Palin Abused Her Power By Acting Legally and Properly

The Sarah Palin Troopergate report is out. And it’s a doozy. How’s this for a story non-story

Sarah Palin found Guilty of Acting Legally and Properly In the Troopergate Scandal. Only in America. Only before an election. Only if its a conservative being investigated.

Sarah Palin found Guilty of Acting Legally and Properly In the Troopergate Scandal. Only in America. Only before an election. And only if it's a conservative being investigated.

So, according to the guy investigating her, Sarah Palin is guilty of abuse of power. His finding?

Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

Trooper Wooten received all the workers’ compensation benefits to which he was entitled.

And the real problem? The final finding.

The Attorney General’s office has failed to substantially comply with my August 6, 2008 written request to Governor Sarah Palin for infomration[sic] about the case in the form of emails.

The main issue is that the guy investigating Palin wasn’t happy that he felt he wasn’t getting everything he asked for. He was personally offended. He wasn’t given the respect he felt he deserved. And, so, Sarah Palin was guilty of an abuse of power! Awesome. Too bad nothing like that kind of standard applies to those crazy Democratics. But, hey, that’s America. She did everything legally, properly, and–given Trooper Wooten’s record–she acted with tremendous restraint. But she’s a conservative Republican, so she’s guilty!

Um, All Hail Our Grand and Glorious Leader, Obamarama! Seriously, I’m all down with you. I don’t want to go to no camp after the election. 


Sarah Palin is Guilty. Of Stealing My Heart.

Sarah Palin is Guilty. Of Stealing My Heart.

McCain Refers to Obama as “That One.” And It’s Racist!

McCain refers to Obama as That One. Obama refers to McCain as Methuselah.

McCain refers to Obama as “That One.” Obama refers to McCain as “Methuselah”.

And you’re looking for it. You just want to stir up the shiznitz. I know you do. Don’t act all innocent. “Oooh, racism! Let’s fight!” Come on, losers. John McCain isn’t a racist. He’s just very old, and very grumpy, and pissed that he has to be running against Barack Obama instead of Al Gore, when he was younger and had more vim and vigor.

Ezra Klein on “That One”. He’s a big lib and he doesn’t think it was racist, either. So there.

General Consensus: every one thinks McCain Lost the Debate. And what would you guess CNN’s take on the debate would be?

Top search as of this hour on The Googles? “Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick“. Seriously? Did you Internets not go to school? Do you not know the quote? Gotta be sure he got it wrong, or mighta got it wrong, before you start rampaging on your oh-so-important blogs? Someone needs to take a big stick to your heads. Or you need to go back to school. I’m not sure which one.

You’re also curious about this AIG Junket that Obama mentioned. Trying to make a scandal out of nothing at all. McCain has Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright and millions of dollars of laundered oversea money going into the Obama campaign and political endorsements from America’s enemies an ties to the PLO and Hamas and on and on and Obama has . . . a junket. Damning!

I see the debate has also revived interested in “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran“. That’s actually the search term you are using. Link is to the video on YouTube of McCain singing his little diddy. Hard to yak about how Obama isn’t serious about foreign threats with stuff like that out there. And the lefty blogosphere is on its way to making a big deal of it, since McCain denied that he did it, sort of.

Soledad OBrien Biased? In the Tank for Obama? Perish the Thought! Shes Just an Objective, Straight-Arrow Journalist in the Mold of Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Keith Olberman and Michael Moore. You Crazy Wingnuts!
Soledad O’Brien Biased? In the Tank for Obama? Perish the Thought! She’s Just an Objective, Straight-Arrow Journalist in the Mold of Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Keith Olberman and Michael Moore. You Crazy Wingnuts!

You’re also searching for CNN reporterette Soledad O’Brien. Could you be thinking about this Newsbusters Report?

Karen Dinkins Fired For Wearing Obama T-Shirt

Karen Dinkins was Fired from WWJ-AM 950 in Detroit because she wore an Obama T-Shirt. Normally, isn’t that just the Democratics and the genus Dominatus Liberalis that do that kinda stuff?

She probably wasnt wearing this T-shirt.
She probably wasn’t wearing this T-shirt.

Not cool, WWJ. More reporters oughta advertise their outrageous political biases, IMHO.

It was probably something more like this, with the Big O and a Super Zero. Yay! Please, Obama, use your heat vision on the red states!
It was probably something more like this, with the Big O and a Super Zero. Yay! Please, Obama, use your heat vision on the red states!

Obama Goes Negative; Runs Scathing Anti-McCain Ads

I knew the man couldn’t hold himself back anymore.

Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad Against McCain

May 2024