Posts Tagged 'star wars'

Photographic Memory in Pill Form?

Meaning, I can take a pill and remember stuff better? I’d take that pill.

Such a Pill Could Be Given To People at the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too
Such a Pill Could Be Given To People at the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too


In other news, there will eventually be a live-action Star Wars television series that George Lucas calls Deadwood Meets the Sopranos in Space. Well, that would be a lot better than the prequels. The good news? Lucas will apparently keep his hands off it.

Now it'll be perfect if the series open with this guy getting shot in the head. Sorry. That's pretty rough. But I hated Jar-Jar Binks.
Now it’ll be perfect if the series open with this guy getting shot in the head. Sorry. That’s pretty rough. But I hated Jar-Jar Binks.

More later. Gotta go update a Disney Monorail post with video. Check it out.

Mitochondrial Disease: It’s What Gives a Jedi His Power


Anakin Skywalker Suffered from Mitochondrial Disease. It apparently causes its victims to speak horrible dialogue in increasingly tedious sequels.

Anakin Skywalker Suffered from Mitochondrial Disease. It apparently causes its victims to speak horrible dialogue in increasingly tedious sequels.

No, seriously, I was thinking of midi-chlorians. This is Mitochondrial Disease. Sounds bad, but kind of ambiguous.

I’ve got nothing else. I just saw the mitochondrial thing and thought “Phantom Menace!” I’m a geek. Never denied it.

James Earl Jones to be Honored for Being Darth Vader, Othello

And I’m sure he’s been in some other movies, too.

James Earl Jones, Jumping Around and Swinging His Light Saber. What a Cool Dude. And, he was CNN.
James Earl Jones, Jumping Around and Swinging His Light Saber. What a Cool Dude. And, he was CNN.
He was also the voice of Jeffery Katzenberg in the Lion King film by some company called Disney.
James Earl Jones. Forever, Ultra Bad Ass.
James Earl Jones. Forever, Ultra Bad Ass.

Fittingly, he’s receiving the Ultra-Bad Ass Forever Award from the SAG.

 You’re also enticed by the Sarah Palin debate flowchart, based on the perpetually hot Palin’s debate performance last night.

Heres the Sarah Palin Debate Flowchart. Yeah, its funny. You betcha!
Here’s the Sarah Palin Debate Flowchart. Yeah, it’s funny. You betcha!

 Love the “Do Something Realy Cute” part. It comes so easy to sweet Sarah.

Palin loves hogs! She loves skirts! She loves buildings made of logs! Could she be any more perfect?
Palin loves hogs! She loves skirts! She loves buildings made of logs! Could she be any more perfect?

 Speaking of unbearable Sarah Cuteness, you’re also apparently fascinated by Sarah’s Adorable Wink™.

Keep it up, Internets. Not too shabby. Not too shab.

May 2024