Posts Tagged 'global warming'

Oymyakon is the Coldest Place On Earth. Because of, You Know, Global Warming.

Global Warming, relentless and unstoppable, continue to make everything cold. Now Oymyakon is in the news as the coldest place on earth.

In other news, Dena Riley plead guilt to first degree murder in the May 2006 of Marsha Spicer. Because it was part of sex “play” and it was videotaped.

Dena Riley. Who could resist a hot sex partner like that, when she says she wants to suffocate you for fun?

Dena Riley. Who could resist a hot sex partner like that, when she says she wants to suffocate you for fun?

Marsha Spicer was way cuter.

Marsha Spicer. Way Cuter Than Dena Riley.

Marsha Spicer. Way Cuter Than Dena Riley.

Latest chapter in my paean to the 80s, Book of Magic, is up. Also, more music from Al Phlipp & The Woo Team (The Experimental Album II) is here. There ya go.

More Global Warming! It’s Snowing in Vegas.

It’s snowing in Vegas. Don’t worry, all this below-average cold is, in fact, caused by Global Warming.

Because it has to be for scientists to get their funding, be feted by their elite friends and politicians, and for politicians and bankers to make oodles of money with carbon credit scams–I mean, cap-and-trade regulations to “help the environment”.

More and more, Michael Crichton’s essay on Global Warming and Eugenics seems prescient. Or at least darn accurate. 

As we continue to burn money and demonstrate our evolutionary unfitness for survival by sacrificing goats to the Great Goddess of Global Warming so She doesn’t make summers hotter in Burbank or impinge four inches on the shoreline, we’re going to miss Michael Crichton.

Yes, The Global Warming Faithful dismissed him was a sneer (that’s how you could tell he had them to dead-to-rights), but the fact is, he was right, and they were and continue to be wrong. 

Meanwhile, it continues to get colder. Supposedly, it’s just a blip, and we will be right back to warmer summers and less-harsh winter–which saves lives, by the way, one of the many benefits to moderate global warming, if it was actually happening. Which it isn’t. 

Laterz, Internetz.

Now It’s Snowing In New Orleans. When Will This Global Warming Stop Freezing Us All?

Someone, driving cars and exhaling has not only magically caused the temperature of the globe to heat up as never before, except several time in history before the industrial revolution, but now . . . it’s somehow making it cold everwhere. But the science is settled people, it’s time to start closing businesses and taxing the beejesus out of everybody.

So, after snowing in Houston yesterday, it’s snowing in New Orleans today.

Snowing in New Orleans. Because of Global Warming, You Know. It makes it snow. You saw The Day After Tomorrow, Right?
Snowing in New Orleans. Because of Global Warming, You Know. It makes it snow. You saw The Day After Tomorrow, Right?

Snow in Houston

More proof of Global Warming! It’s snowing in Houston.

Its Snowing in Houston. Because, You Know, Carbon Emissions and Stuff.

Its Snowing in Houston. Because, You Know, Carbon Emissions and Stuff.

Want Your Kool-Aid? Open Wide! New Senate is Going to Pour it Down Your Throat, While Sucking Your Wallet Dry

Suddenly, I am feeling very over-heated. Must be that global warming that all the kids are talking about.

Suddenly, I am feeling very over-heated. Must be that global warming that all the kids are talking about.

Well, at least she’s ready for the new senate global warming bill. Yay.

Boxer said she was not yet ready to reveal details of the legislation but said it would be consistent with Obama’s policy goals.

Uh-huh. Sounds awesome. And by awesome, I mean it sounds like teh suck.

Barbara Boxer can’t wait to take away your rights, your options, and dip her hands deep in the public trough in the name of a cleaner environment, or something. Despite the global recession that may turn into a global depression, hyperbolic doomsaying about the endtimes from environmental alarmists must be responded to with at-any-cost legislation and punitive regulations that punish the middle-class and entreprenuers, who suck anyway.

Just trying to Remind You of the High and Terrible Price for Global Warming. Do you see the effects of the globes being warmed? Do you see?

Just trying to Remind You of the High and Terrible Price for Global Warming. Do you see the effects of the globes being warmed? Do you see?

Another example of the high price of Global Warming:

The Globes are getting hotter, causing tragic revelations of bare female flesh. Not too mention highly-tanned, glistening female skin. Oh, the humanity!
The Globes are getting hotter, causing tragic revelations of bare female flesh. Not too mention highly-tanned, glistening female skin. Oh, the humanity!

John Coleman Says Global Warming is a Bag of Hooey

Here’s John Coleman talking to Glenn Beck about the Global Warming Hysteria:

I love the first comment on the video on YouTube as of this posting:

the rushie neocons are sooo much like killers charlie manson and jefferie dahmer that i confuse the three … take the global warming diseases … the part removed from the epa report by the rushie neocons … i just read in the paper where global warming diseases are killing the oysters … i told you so … killing animals, plants, sea life by the hundreds of thousands … diabolical … the neocons spend $400M+ for show biz talk shows to dupe the dopes .. but they had to knock off russert

Rush Limbaugh fans and Glenn Beck killed Tim Russert? And I’ve heard Global Warming skeptics are like holocaust deniers (comparing a historical event for which there is fast documentary evidence to predictions of future catastrophe based on flawed computer models, (and more flawed models) but I digress).

Here’s a great interview with John Coleman (meteorologist and founder of The Weather Channel, BTW) where he tackles global warming with an interviewer who has clearly drunk the Kool-Aid:

And here’s more of John Coleman saying Global Warming is a fraud:

There’s more out there. Also, check out what Roy Spencer has to say on Global Warming.

But, just in case, let’s check out some of the disasters that will befall us if Global Warming really does happen, and the mean temperature of the planet goes up a degree or two. Well, there will be more food, and more land will be able to grow crops. Less death due to cold, and less pollution due to dirty methods used to provide heating in most places in the world.

But certainly, the biggest tragedy will be more hot chicks internet geeks and liberal pansies will never have a chance in heck of scoring with. Just look below.

Another victim of catastrophic global warming! The tragedy!

Another victim of catastrophic global warming! The tragedy!

The tragedy of Global Warming. It’s already happening! Just look.

The agony! I smell tragedy. Tragedy, I tell ya!
The agony! I smell tragedy. Tragedy, I tell ya!

All right. If that’s not enough to get you on the bandwagon, one more image that tells the devestating tale of a hotter planet:

There ya go. You have been warned. Go forth and pollute no more.
There ya go. You have been warned. Go forth and pollute no more.

Michael Crichton Has Passed Away. Sigh.

The visionary author, Michael Crichton, who brought us Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain and The Thirteenth Warrior (Eaters of the Dead) and State of Fear and many other great novels has passed away.

That sucks.

Michael Crichton has passed away. Godspeed to you. The world is a little smaller, and a little less, without you.
Michael Crichton has passed away. Godspeed to you. The world is a little smaller, and a little less, without you.

The entertainment site, Ain’t It Cool News, has a fitting eulogy that will probably be filled with leftwing moonbats attacking his heresy regarding the First Church of Climate Change. I think he would have liked that.

As of this posting, is unavailable. Probably just overwhelmed with traffic.

In his late years, he was reviled by the left–even though he was very liberal on many issues–because of his skepticism regarding Global Warming. Which, in my opinion, was dead on.

Good stuff on Michael Crichton’s skepticism, and his critics’ reactions, here. And more good stuff about him, and his critics, here.

When the big Michael Crichton websites are back up and working, check out Michael on Environmentalism as Religion. And how Aliens Cause Global Warming.

A video of Michael Crichton explaining his theory of Global warming as religion:

Godspeed to you, our courageous, visionary and skeptical friend.

Global Warming Will Ironically End Up Freezing Us All To Death

We’re doomed, people. Doomed.

It’s the Global Warming, people. It’s coming for us. Seriously. We promise.

Snow Blankets London for Global Warming Debate.

Snow Blankets London for Global Warming Debate.

Record breaking snow storms in Tibet. Hmmm.

London sees its first October Snow in over 70 years. Interesting.

Record cold temperatures for Florida in October. That includes Vero beach. And Vero Beach, if you’ve never been there, is totally awesome. If you go there, stay at The Driftwood. It is so totally cool.

The Driftwood at Vero Beach. Its totally bitchin.

The Driftwood at Vero Beach. It's totally bitchin'.

Record cold temperatures at Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina.

And Record low temperatures for Cuba. Hmmmm.

Sorry, I’m beginning to suspect it’s all a scam.

Actually, I’ve always suspected that. As has been written elsewhere.

1: Red Flags, Crichton, Crowley and the Tedium of Factual Debate

2: More on Crichton, his Critics and the Tedium of Factual Debate

3: The Myths of Consensus

4: Environmentalism as Religion, Silencing the Critics

5: Comparing Global Warming to Teen Slasher Movies

Rachel Carson? She’s Not Hot!

What are you Internets so interested in Rachel Carson for? What’d she ever do for you?

Definitely Not Hot.
Rachel Carson: Definitely Not Hot.

Some people say Silent Spring was mostly a scam, full of made-up or fudged data. Others think it was the best thing since sliced bread. What do I know? That Rachel Carlson was definitely not hot, so it’s strange that you Internets are all on about her.

Lots of people worry that the DDT ban has killed kajillions because of malaria and whatnot. Maybe, but maybe not. You read, you decide. I’m tired.

Anyway, she helped kick off the eco-culture of Global Warming Hysteria and CFC Apocalypse that has negatively impacted my air condition and my hair spray, so I’m not fond of her. Plus, the Global Warming Freaks are so self-righteous about being blessed with special knowledge, it reminds me of this Southpark episode, Smug Alert

And we have Rachel Carlson to thank for it.

Still, I suspect there is some as yet hidden-to-me reason that you’re all on about Rachel Carlson. It can’t be that the Rachel Carlson Bridge got closed for repairs.

May 2024