Archive for March, 2018

Nanotube-Based Quantum Devices Are On The Way

I find quantum devices based on nano-tubes sexy. So sue me.

Quantum dots in carbon nanotubes have been reported predominantly in the form of decoupled nanotube portions defined between engineered tunneling barriers at metal-nanotube contacts and/or by gate electrodes, or in the form of unintentional localization potentials stemming from environmental disorder. All these structures are usually operated at cryogenic temperature due to the technological challenge to achieve ultra-short quantum dots allowing operation at room temperature.

Krisssht, that gets me hawt!


Bianca Beauchamp in a Purple Bra and Blue Jeans. She likes nano-tubes AND quantum devices.

Laterz, my good peoplez.

Best and Most Enlightening Article on Katy Perry Ever

So my buds at recently published an impressive and in-depth article on Katy Perry.  Something about the nun she killed.

Katy Perry Kills Nuns

Katy Perry is slowly turning into Eminem. How sad for both of them.

Katy Perry Has Issues But . . .

And . . .

So, we’ll always love you, Katy Perry. We’ll always be your little monkey.

Laterz, my Peoplez!

… PS: Latest Katy Perry Gossipz!

Steven Seagal is an Overweight Nutburger

And here is the lowdown on just what an Overweight, Out-of-Shape, Delusional, Over-Medicated Nutburger Steven Seagal happens to be.

No, but the real Steven Segagal–Steven Segal? Steven Seagull? Stephen Segale? Whatever, even his name is crazy.

Also, Steven Seagal is accused of rape some more.

Hard times for the man.

Goodbye my friends, it’s hard to die . . . when all the birds are singing in the sky . . .

There’s a New Mr. Rogers Film Starring Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks seems a natural for Mr. Rogers.


It’s a beautiful day in Tom Hank’s neighborhood!

This movie is about Mr. Rogers presumably platonic relationship with Tom Junod, who profiled him for Esquire magazine in 1998.

Tom Hanks seems a natural for the role of Fred Rogers. Frankly, I’m not sure I could think of a better actor for the role even if I had a really long time to do it, which I don’t.

Tom Hanks Not To Star In Cagney and Lacey Reboot or Matrix Reboot

In other news there going to be a WTF Cagney and Lacey reboot. I repeat: WTF? Anyway, Ving Rhames has joined the cast. WTF? CBS has money to burn I guess.

Ving Rhames has joined the cast of the “Cagney & Lacey” reboot on CBS. Rhames will play the cop’s boss, the unflappable Captain Stark of the LAPD, who serves as the homicide coordinator for the department and inspires loyalty by everyone around him.

In further news, Zak Penn wants to revive The Matrix.

Apparently  Zak Penn is working on the project with no firm dates or commitments on anything. But he wants to do it.

I will fight people who don’t under…look, I think OASIS (the interconnected virtual space in Ready Player One) is similar, both the Matrix and OASIS are similar in that they are brilliant ideas for universes. And they are not, you know, when it came out about Matrix, people were like ‘Oh no, there going to reboot Matrix’ I was like, Why, I’m not insane. I mean, the Matrix is still one of my favorite…they’d re-release The Matrix and people would go see it.

Okay. Whatever.

Laterz Peepz. Got things to do.


Ave DuVernay Gets New Gods After Bombing With A Wrinkle In Time

For some reason Ava DuVernay was tapped to direct some sort of DC New Gods project after bombing with A Wrinkle In Time.

Oprah had something to do with it, I’m sure.


Well, I guess this will be just another DC project to tank. So what else is new?

Laterz, my peepz!

New Lara Croft Movie Not Lara Croft

How is this Lara Croft?

Sorry, I just don’t get this movie. It’s not Lara Croft like the original game or the original movies, it’s just another bland action movie filled with blandness. Eh, good luck to them.

Now, this is Lara Croft:

Or this, of course:

You know I’m right.

Everything with Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, if you ain’t seen it already.

Laterz, peoplez!

John Constantine Is Back, He’s Back Again

Yay, more John Constantine.

No, not that one. The new one. That’s blonde.

Turns out he’s going to be a regular on next season’s Legends of Tomorrow on the CW. Might have to watch it now. Goddarmit. Another time suck. But that’s life, right, peoplez?

Be excellent to each other!

Just Some Stuff For Today Cuz Bizzay!

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And when I say I’m bizzay, I mean I’m gettin’ BIZ-AAAY!

Laterz, my peoplez. Meh, you don’t care, you haven’t even noticed I’m back.

Star Wars Is Dead And Over They Killed It

Star Wars, Crap It Has Become, Yes

Nerd Fight over Star Wars just proves what they are arguing about: Star Wars is dead. Some goobers like the new, random, poorly written, poorly conceived dumpster fire that Disney calls Star Wars now, but it’s all crap.

Picture of next Star Wars movie: Return of the Crap Fire. Here it is:


What a mess they have made.

Rian Johnson claims “credit” for TLJ.  Should have made it an Alan Smithee joint. Cripes. I would have.

Ugh. Laterz, peoples.

Avenger’s Infinity War Trailer Is Awesome

And it looks like Avenger’s Infinity War will be super-awesome.

Love the scene of Steve Rogers holding back Thanos’s gauntleted hand. He’s got power. The power of goodness. Yay, Captain America!

A few questions:

Why is Black Widow blonde? Is she called Blonde Widow now? Did they get the bad programming permanently out of Winter Soldier’s brain? Is this all happening in Wakanda? Were their reshoots to bring in more Black Panther after Black Panther: Wakanda Justice Force made a billion dollars? How can Disney get Avenger’s Infinity War and Captain America: Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War and everything else so right but get Star Wars so wrong?

Watch and enjoy, my children.

A Touching Essay by a Son To His Father On His Father’s Passing

At FilmGoblin, Hauling Them Rathtars composed a beautiful ode to his recently passed father, and how he knew him through the cinema they saw together and the movies they loved. It’s really, really, really worth reading.

No jokes. No gags. I just really wanted to share this with you.

Have a great day, and if you still have him, go watch a movie with your dad.


Want To Be Happier?

Then, first, think like me.

If that doesn’t work, then find one of the Top Ten Celebrities To Get High With and have fun with them.

Happy Sunday. Be good to each other.

So Here’s What I’m Thinking, Jack

So here’s what I’m thinking about right now.

You feel me.

Anyway, have a great day and be happy.

Laterz, my Internetz Peoplez!

Atari God Nolan Bushnell Being Harassed By Skanks for Being Awesome

Thanks to the perpetual victimhood of #MeToo, where plenty of complaints are legit while others are obvious bullzshizt, American Video Game God Nolan Bushnell is being harassed by skanks for being an awesome dude who provided an awesome workplace and building an awesome company before other dudes start making better computer and game consoles.

Atari Logo

That’s right. Drink in the Atari awesomeness. Drink it in!

Dude hosted meeting in hot tubs. What sort of bitter person who hates all that is sweet in life feels harassed by having meetings in hot tubs? Christ, how many people are dedicated to the project of sucking all the joy out of life?

To quote the article above:

I know… I know… the fact this man is allowed to freely walk the streets, possibly forcing more women to relax in comfort while earning a decent salary, let alone being considered for an honor by an institute most people have never heard of is worse than all the GamerGates in the history of womyn kind.

Aight. Go read it. It’s awesome.

#RussiaGate Red Scare Madness Is So Crazy

Like seriously. Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone keeps pointing out you paranoid Russia-hating Red Scare conspiracy suckers are gonna get us turned into a police state, but you don’t listen. Cuz you so crazy.

Putin owns your ass and you know it.

Anyhow, he ain’t the only one who knows all this RussiaGate stuff is bullshnitzle. Uh, language warning on that last link.

Have a good day before we live in a paranoid police state thanks to people who hate Trump so much they’ll see us frickin’ nuked before they suffer one more day with him as president. Better dead than red!

March 2018