Posts Tagged 'freddie mac'

Orson Scott Card Got Alyson Hannigan Pregnant! No, Really!

Orson Scott Card–not exactly a rock-ribbed conservative–has pissed all over the media, especially journalists. But first, I must not that the link above links to PowerLine, where they guy actually says “I’m not familiar with columnist Orson Scott Card”.
Orson Scott Card looks like most science fiction authors. Kinda geeky.
Orson Scott Card looks like most science fiction authors. Kinda geeky.

Um, Ender’s Game? Xenocide? Speaker for the Dead? Children of the Mind? Ender’s Shadow? A War of Gifts? Ender in Exile: Ganges? The Redemption of Christopher Columbus? Where have you been, pipples?

Card writes:

I have no doubt that if these facts had pointed to the Republican Party or to John McCain as the guilty parties, you would be treating it as a vast scandal. “Housing-gate,” no doubt. Or “Fannie-gate.”

Ooops. There gonna kick him out of the I-say-I’m-Centrist-But-I’m-Really-Liberal Club.

In other news, you’re searching for Helen Jeffs. She lives with The Wolfman. I linked to an article. Boring.

Alyson Hannigan, being provocative.
Alyson Hannigan, being provocative.

In slightly more interesting meme news, Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof are pregnant. Both of them! Apparently, you’re more interested in Alexis Denisof, and finding out who this guy is and if he’s worthy of Willow.

Yeah, I don’t think he is. One of us fat Internet Geeks would be a much more worthy father of Willow’s offspring. Huzzah!

Alyson Hannigan, Being Inexpressably Hot. Hoo, mama. Yowza.
Alyson Hannigan, Being Inexpressably Hot. Hoo, mama. Yowza.
Alyson Hannigan Being Inexpressably Cute. Ah, the Many Moods of Alyson.
Alyson Hannigan Being Inexpressably Cute. Ah, the Many Moods of Alyson.
Alyson Hannigan, Looking Seductive. Is There Anything She Can't Do?

Alyson Hannigan, Looking Seductive. Is There Anything She Can

The Bible Code and the Crackberry. Plus Bethany McClean.

Whatchu talkin’ about, Internets? You searching for the Bible Code? Was someone on Coast-to-Coast AM in the wee hours that got you all excited? Well, don’t be. Personal Freedom Outreach says pretty much what I think about it, but better.

My favorite quote from PFO:

Christians, quite frankly, have trouble enough obeying the plain and obvious things that we do understand from Scripture without making up other things.

In my experience, most of the folks who buy into the Bible Code either live in a bunker with a lot of water and canned food and ammunition, or are quickly on their way to that kind of lifestyle. 

Bethany McLean. She brought down Enron. She edits Fortune magazine. Shes pretty cute, too. And Bethany is a great name.

Bethany McLean. She brought down Enron. She edits Fortune magazine. She's pretty cute, too. And Bethany is a great name.

It’s funny, I mention Enron just the other day, relating it to today’s current financial destruction, and look who is in the news: Bethany McClean, the woman who helped bring Enron down, and co-wrote one of the best books on it: The Smartest Guys in the Room.

She called ’em on it. All the analysts were gushing about Enron back in the day, and Bethany McLean asked: Well, what is it they do, exactly?

So, she looked into it, and it turned out they didn’t do much of anything but shuffle paper and book non-existent profits to jack up their stock price. Enron had a giant wall sized display in the elevator at their headquarters with a real time feed of their stock price. And they were supposed to be an energy company. Think they were keeping their eyes on the wrong thing? I do, and I’m pretty sure that’s been the case with the whole market just recently.

Bethany called out Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac back in 2005. Booyah, Bethany. She should be Secretary of the Treasury.

Crackberry Addict Fires One Up. Rots your brains, and you lose all your friends. Its a terrible disease.

Crackberry Addict Fires One Up. Rots your brains, and you lose all your friends. It's a terrible disease.

Crackberry is the name for RIM’s Blackberry (invented by John McCain, mind you) applied to it by actual BlackBerry addicts, and also the people who have to suffer with BlackBerry addicts.

There’s a site for Crackberry Addicts, right here. Wordspy has the official crackberry definition.

I snagged the pic from . . . man, that’s what you call an awkard URL. Best of luck with that, Internets.


Burning Down The House: Them Crazy Democratics!

Oh, no they din’t!

Oh, yez they dids!

Watch it and weeps, Internets. Watch it and weeps as you learn the terrible, terrible, terrible truth, while you’re searching for bailout and house roll call and whatnots, learn what really actually happened. And how the magical politics of DC screws us all. Again and again.

Be afraid, Internets. Be very afraid.

May 2024