Posts Tagged 'tina fey'

Susan Rice to Advise Obama on Best Cyber Monday Deals, and Tina Fey’s Scar

Tina Fey has a scar, and finally tells people the ugly story as to how she got it, and the Internetz is very interested in it.

Tina Fey has a scar, and finally tells people the ugly story as to how she got it, and the Internetz is very interested in it.

So Tina Fey has finally told the world how she got her scar. Apparently she got slashed by a stranger when she was five, which is an odd story. But this world is full of bastardz and weirdoze.

You’re searching on Susan Rice, who Obama is appointing to be the US envoy to the UN. You’re also looking for the best Cyber Monday sales deals.

I dunno about the best Cyber Monday deals, but I know the best place to get high quality software, 24/7, 365 days a year. Doesn’t require a special Monday! Always great prices on Microsoft Office and Works. Just saying.

Also, you can go ahead and get a head start on your New Years resolution, with nifty exercise equipment (with a therapeutic flare) from DME Supply Group.

You’re also searching, again, for information on the Posse Comitatus Act. Posse Comitatus basically means that the U.S. Military cannot be used within our borders. Some people thing Bush is trying to repeal it, because he’s evil and wants the government to do bad things. I dunno. I suppose we will see.

Now, that is what I call a Pirate Ship! No wonder the Somali Pirates wanted it.

Now, that is what I call a Pirate Ship! No wonder the Somali Pirates wanted it.

In other news, Somali Pirates attacked the cruise ship the Oceania Nautica. Apparently, they wanted more luxurious quarters, better eating facilities, and towel monkeys on their beds.

Last, it’s not a meme, but I’m writing a book online, sorta. It’s called Book of Magic, check it out if you’d like read a deep-and-slow online teen-romance sci-fi novel set in the 1980s.

Simon Cowell and Terri Seymour Splitting Up? And John McCain on SNL

Apparently, they are splitting up. Or, hold on, maybe they aren’t.


A crappy picture of both of them. Which one do you think is more attractive?

A crappy picture of both of them. Which one do you think is more attractive?

If they do split, I think I know what went wrong. “That meatloaf was awful. It didn’t even taste like food. And last night? I’ve seen more passion out of am 80 year old nun. You were horrible. Horrible! And you just aren’t star material.”


John McCain Sings The Hits.

John McCain Sings The Hits.

In other news, John McCain was on SNL last night. Pretty funny stuff. He does his own infomercial. On the Home Shopping Network. Take that, Obamarama! BTW, Ralph Nader calls him Obamarama, too.

But, back to the topic at hand. Saturday Night Live has proven itself more politically relevant, and risk taking, this year than it has in, what? A decade? Props, SNL. Props.

As for McCain, I think he’s just holding on, hoping for The Bradley Effect to kick in at the last minute. Me, I’m hoping the Oh-My-Gosh-I-Don’t-Really-Want-To-Put-A-Socialist-60s-Radical-In-The-Whitehouse effect kicks in. But I don’t think it will.

So, all hail Our Glorious Leader! I love me some Obama. No need to round me up and put me in a camp. No, no indeed.

And now, a randomly hot chick who is so gorgeous it makes my teeth hurt, and the fact she was probably born the same year I graduated from high school makes me feel very old. Very, very old. But here she is.


A randomly hot babe. Cuz if she is covering her nozzles, it aint technically nudity. Not exactly.

A randomly hot babe. Cuz if she is covering her nozzles, it aint technically nudity. Not exactly.

Sarah Palin Makes a Guest Appearance on Saturday Night Live

Sarah Palin rocks the Stadiums Where Ever She Goes. Go, Sarah!

Sarah Palin rocks the Stadiums Where Ever She Goes. Go, Sarah!

Sarah Palin was on Saturday Night Live. The Huffington Post chats it up here, and, damn, could they frontload the article with more keywords? They make me look like an amateur. 

The AP reports on Palin’s Saturday Night Live appearance with something approaching sympathy. For Palin. From the AP. It’s the End of Days, people!

What good will this good-natured acceptance of sometimes overly severe, or overly retarded, lampooning do for the campaign? Who knows. One thing I do know–real folks all over love Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin Draws a Crowd Where Ever She Goes

Sarah Palin Draws a Crowd Where Ever She Goes

Palin Marching Out To Speak at East Carolina University

Palin Marching Out To Speak at East Carolina University

Sarah Palin Rocks my Casbah. And she can do it anytime. Thats all Im saying.

Sarah Palin Rocks my Casbah. And she can do it anytime. That's all I'm saying.

Here, Palin draws a crowd of 60,000 in Florida. Wowzers! That’s about as many at one meeting that showed up for Obama’s big God-like Nomination Acceptance Speech. A crowd of 3000 supporters in Juneau show up just cuz she’s passing through. Huge crowds in Omaha. The lefties and the political elites just don’t get it. Red state, working class America–by and large–loves this woman.

So, Have You Heard? The Bird Is the Word!

“Surfin’ Bird” is now a big meme, thanks to last night’s Family Guy.

If you haven’t heard that the Bird is the Word, it’s been mathematically proven. The Bird is equal to or greater than The Word.

In other news, Neel Kashkari has been named to oversee the sucking of all your money out of your wallet, the destruction of your business, and your eviction from your home . . . I mean, to oversee the bailout bill. Yah, Big Government! It works so, so well.

Also, pretty cool is the parody of the Joe Biden/Sarah Palin debate on SNL (this via The Today Show).

Funny stuff. More from here. Strange when the most bi-partisan take you get on the major presidential candidates (and their veeps) is on Saturday Night Live.

I was curious why you peeples was searching for chocolate starfish, then I learned it was about Pamela Anderson stripping naked for Hugh Hefner, and then I understood.

Meat is murder, people.
Meat is murder, people.


Laterz, Internets.

May 2024