Posts Tagged 'perez hilton'

Perez Hilton Assaulted for Being a Total Ass and Gratuitously Nasty

And a self-serving shiznickle.  Read about the assault here.

A video of the confrontation can be found on TMZ.

Perez Hilton, With a Black Eye, Which He Gets Often, Because He's a Total Priznickle To Peoplez.
Perez Hilton, With a Black Eye, Which He Gets Often, Because He’s a Total Priznickle To Peoplez.

I don’t want to say he deserved it, because I don’t, but he almost certainly did deserve it, because he’s an incredibly pompous, self-righteous azz.


In These Tough Economic Times, Play Poker Online

In tough economic times, it might be fun to throw all your money into a bottomless black pit.

I’ve recently received handy Full Tilt Poker Referral Code. You can have it too, if you follow the link.

Just let me explain something to you: these people aren’t in business to make you money. Gambling at all is a bad idea. It’s a waste of your time and money. Gambling on line is about the most unproductive thing you can do on the web, or on a computer, or anywhere else.

Want to Burn Money? Better to set fire to it than gamble online. I'm just sayin'.
Want to Burn Money? Better to set fire to it than gamble online. I’m just sayin’.

However, if you really get a kick out of playing online poker and throwing your money into the black pit of Internet, there’s a Full Tilt Poker Referral Code waiting for you. And get your Full Tilt Bonus code here.

But this isn’t a recommendation to go play poker online. I’d advise you not to. But if you have to, there it is! A referral code to help you go burn your money. Yay!

Carrie Prejean Posing "Semi-Nude" And It's Bad Because She Said She Liked Traditional Marriage. Destroy Her, Lefties!
Carrie Prejean Posing “Semi-Nude” And It’s Bad Because She Said She Liked Traditional Marriage. Destroy Her, Lefties!

In other news, Miss California Carrie Prejean is being attacked for a semi-nude photo–where she shows less skin than an average TV show, these days–but not really. It’s because she said she thought marriage should be between one man and one woman. What a horrible person! For having an opinion that dares to disagree with Perez Hilton.

It’s a sad state the world has descended to. Maybe you should go gamble away all your money online. What’s it matter, now?

Anyway, if you couldn’t tell, broke the story.



Aubrey O’Day Naked with Danity Kane, Playing Lingerie Football With Jayde Nicole . . . Plus Bacon

Hah. Made you look. No, seriously, she’s almost naked. That’s as far as I go here.

And why am I going there? Lots of you are searching for Aubrey O’Day. I can’t figure it out. Oh, wait. I just did.

Hamana-hamana-hamana. Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Shes Hot!

Hamana-hamana-hamana. Wholly Owned Subsidiary, She's Hot! Some accuse her of being dumb as a box of rocks. Like that would matter. Please see above.

There’s Aubrey O’Day. Lovely Name. Might also explain you Internets perpetual fascination with frackin’ Danity Kane.

Danity Kane, Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day. Not.

Danity Kane, Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day. Or Don't. In fact, We'd Rather You Not.

Proof Aubrey O’Day is, indeed, as dumb as a box of rocks? She just recently endorsed Obamarama for Presidential of These United Snakes. As a way of taking attention away from skankiness, which she apparently spent a lot of time originally trying to draw attention to. Well, it takes all kinds, I guess.

You’re also exhibiting a growing interest in Lingerie Football. There are seriously Lingerie Football Teams and a League, now? Well, well, well. Maybe football could be more interesting than I thought.

If This is the New Face of Football, Count Me In.

If This is the New Face of Football, Count Me In.

They must be doing this just to get people like me to watch football. Cuz if anything would do it, this probably would.

Heh. I said “wood”.

Your interest in Savannah Guthrie proves not to be nearly so prurient, but, of course, leads back to Sarah Palin. The short story is: NBC was jealous, so ran a smear story on Palin. More likely, NBC is just full of the genus Waccus Liberalis, and so ran a smear story on Palin. Though, regarding Savannah Guthrie, I’d say she’s pretty cute . . .

Savannah Guthrie. Shes a Professional Journalists. A Cute Professional Journalist. Or Former Journalist. Whatever.

Savannah Guthrie. She's a Professional Journalists. A Cute Professional Journalist. Or Former Journalist. Whatever.

BTW, Savannah Guthrie also did one of NBC’s so-called “fact checks” on Sarah Palin, and Newsbusters takes issue with her objectivity and accuracy.

Also, there is a certain amount of growing interest in Playboy Playmate Jayde Nicole out there.

Jayde Nicole is some sort of Playdate of This Year in some sort of Magazine for Discerning Young Gentlemen. I Get a Very Maternal Vibe Off Her. Don't You?

Jayde Nicole is some sort of Playdate of This Year in some sort of Magazine for Discerning Young Gentlemen. I Get a Very Maternal Vibe Off Her. Dont you?

Again, I can’t figure it out. Some kind of flannel vest fetish? You like the name “Jayde”? Sometimes, you peeples out in the Internets are very hard to read. You’re all like a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon. Mmmmm. Bacon.

Mmmmm. Delicious, delicious bacon. Aubrey OWho, Now?

Mmmmm. Delicious, delicious bacon. Aubrey O'Who, Now?

May 2024