Archive for October 23rd, 2008

Bill O’Reilly Calls Barack Obama a Communist on ‘The View’

Yeah, Obamas a Communist. I said it.
Bill O’Reilly says: Yeah, Obama’s a Communist. I said it.

Bill O’Reilly correctly identified Obamarama’s politics on The View today, to great offense that someone would dare speak accurately about The Messiah. Here’s the video:

Dude has balls the size of Detroit, I’ll give him that.

Evil Elizabeth Hasselbeck continues Obamarama Smears (That is, by Telling the Truth about the Annointed One):

Joy Behar, who just recently called Rush Limbaugh a terrorist, is offended by the rude and perniciously accurate description of Obama (and most Democratics) politics.

A Picture of Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Just Because.
A Picture of Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Just Because.

Is Bill O’Reilly crazy? Well, as far as Obama being a Communist is concerned, maybe not.

A Che flag at a Obama campaign office?

Obama was affiliated with the Communist Party USA (who has also endorsed Obama). Turns out, not unexpectedly, terrorist-sympathizing Al-Jazeera is very pro-Obama, too. Who woulda thunk it? And even more Obama Communist connections. And don’t forget Michael Klonsky, another Communist whose in the Obama camp.

Top US Communist says: Elect Obama and Change the World. My, isn’t that comforting? Barack was also a member of the socialist New Party. More on the New Party. Sounds nice enough, but it’s a front group for Communists.

Brooke Mueller, Krista Allen, Charlie Sheen, George Clooney, Denise Richards . . . Phew, I’m Tired!

Brooke Mueller and husband Charlie Sheen are expecting twins.

Brooke Mueller is expecting twins. Charlie Sheen helped.
Brooke Mueller is expecting twins. Charlie Sheen helped.
Apparently she had some kind of fued with Denise Richards. I wonder what about.
Denise Richards. Charlie Sheens previous hot trophy wife.

Denise Richards. Charlie Sheens previous hot trophy wife.

Anyway, congrats to the proud parents.

In other entertainment news, mega-smug George Clooney reportedly as rekindled an old flame with Krista Allen.

Krista Allen. Is George Clooney worthy?
Krista Allen. Is George Clooney worthy?

 Cynthia Horvath is charged with having sex with a student. She should also be charged for an admittedly lesser crime: having gigantic teeth and a frumped up “smile”.

Cynthia Horvath. Yowza. That woman has some teeth on her.
Cynthia Horvath. Yowza. That woman has some teeth on her.

You’ve also been, oddly, searching for the Vornado Air Purifier.

The Vornado Air Purifier. Not bad, but you could do better.
The Vornado Air Purifier. Not bad, but you could do better.

You want air purifiers? Try the Hunter HEPAtech 27 Air Purification System. Or the Hunter HEPAtech 57 Air Purifier. That’s some serious Air Purification, baby. I know where you can get some good humidifiers, too.

October 2008