Archive for October 13th, 2008

It’s The Obama Surprise. In October! Barack Obama is Not a Citizen of America!

Illuminati Pictures reveals the October Surprise. Interesting. If a little long.

Best of luck on the Obama-is-not-constitutionally-qualified-to-be-president strategy. Lefties tried the same thing against Bush and Cheney, went nowhere. They also tried it against McCain, amazingly. Went nowhere.

Hate to say it, he sounds a little like Andrew Sullivan demanding that Sarah Palin prove Trig is actually her child, and not Britsol Palin’s.  Though Sully is a little more creepy and emotionally troubled than Philip J. Berg. BTW, if you haven’t done so already, go read Howard Kurtz on Andrew Sullivan’s deep creepiness on this issue.

Tho, as I listen to the whole long thing, Berg does seem to have a point.

Illuminati TV also has lots of other interesting things to say about Obama. I’m amazed YouTube hasn’t yanked ’em all.

 Hat tip to Woods Walker at Subtle Oak Flavor.

Natasha Marley and Maureen McCormick Make Sweet Love

You people’s are looking a bit for Natasha Marley. Not a lot, but I thought she might be worth mentioning.

Natasha. According to her MySpace page, shes the girl your mum warned you about.

Natasha. According to her MySpace page, she's the girl your mum warned you about.

Apparently, she works in the adult film industry. Those are those independent films with English butlers stoically looking out at the sky, right?

You’re also out there looking for Maureen McCormick. You know her. “Here’s the story, of a lovely lady . . . ”

Maureen McCormick has written a memoir. Is there any Brady kid who hasnt? Anyhoo,turns out she was doing drugs. Who knew?

Maureen McCormick has written a memoir. Is there any Brady kid who hasn't? Anyhoo,turns out she was doing drugs. Who knew?

She’s apparently written a new book. Excessively entitled Here’s the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice, she’s obviously competing for the most awkward book title of the year. Best of luck to her.

You’re also looking for The American Enterprise Institute. Given our current economic climate, that’s probably a good idea. Don’t You Mean And Christian Slater.

You people are searching for for some reason. Which is just a squatter site. I think you mean Not perfect, but they do reasonably good work. Check ’em out.

You’re also searching for conscience of a liberal. Turns out, they don’t have one, but Paul Krugman (there you go with him again) does a pretty good job of pretending he does.

Wow. Christian Slaters been working out. Get in shape for that big comeback.
Wow. Christian Slater’s been working out. Get in shape for that big comeback.

In My Own Worst Enemy, Christian Slater is a spy with a double identity. Seriously, he’s been programmed so his bosses flip a switch to toggle him between super-spy and cubicle-dwelling schlub. Then, those two world’s collide, and serial mayhem ensues on a weekly basis. I just say that because you folks seem to be spending a lot of time searching for Christian Slaters, and unless you’re all considering taking up stalking as a new past-time, it has to have something to do with the new television show.

If, like me, the first time you saw Christian Slater was in the Name of the Rose, you paid no attention to him, instead focusing on a bad-ass Sean Connery and Valentina Vargas as the semi-feral girl who deflowers Christian Slater’s pious apprentice.

A non-naked picture of Valentina Vargas. Theyre actually kind of hard to come by.
A non-naked picture of Valentina Vargas. They’re actually kind of hard to come by.

And don’t forget Sean:

Sean Connery. Bad-ass Medieval monk in The Name of the Rose.

Sean Connery. Bad-ass Medieval monk in The Name of the Rose. Don't ask me to explain why it's off-center.

Paul Krugman Suggests Neel Kashkari Uses Swaptree To Fix Economy

The idea is, Neel Kashkari will try and swap our debt and crumbling economy  (at Swaptree) for the smaller debt of a 3rd world nation somewhere.
When Enron effed up, folks went to jail, even Ken Lay who was mostly just criminally negligent. Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, etc.? Heck, lets just given them baskets of tax payer money!
When Enron effed up, folks went to jail, even Ken Lay who was mostly just criminally negligent. Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, etc.? Heck, let’s just given them baskets of tax payer money!

No, not really, but it sounds about as smart as what they are planning, which is to buy banks, and bailout bad actors who would normally go to jail–seriously, where was the Enron bailout?

To remind you you, Neel Kashkari–sounds kind of like Cash-Carry, don’t it?–is the guy assigned to going around the country getting “Cash for your Title” and paycheck advance loans and hitting the pawn shops with old government surplus to get us out of the mess the Democratics got us into.

Paul Krugman is a widely respected economist who is about as wrong as any human being can be on the history and results of tax cuts, and spits on the Laffer curve (despite it’s consistenctaccuracy in predicting treasury revenues going up when tax rates fall).  Of course, he hates Bush and the Republicrats and conservatism and small businesses and free markets, so he just won the Nobel Prize for American Hating Economics.

Im Smart, Republicans Are Stupid, Bush is Retarded.
Kurgmanomics: I’m Smart, Republicans Are Stupid, Bush is Retarded.

Despite the fact I think Krugman is as stupid as everybody else thinks he’s brilliant, he’s been pretty good on the bailout. To the degree that he agrees with me that the whole thing is a horrible mess, he’s been fairly smart. No, I don’t got no economics degree, but it’s the folks with all the Nobel prizes for America Hating and fifty-letter doctorates in Fantasy Economics that got us into this mess in the first place.

BTW, I’m not the only one who thinks ole Kruggy is a disingenous moron. Krugman Truth Squad at NRO (I don’t think they are doing that any more, maybe they are) also covered quite a bit.

Paddington Bear? Good Taste, Internets, Good Taste.

You’re all on about Paddington Bear this morning. Odd. I don’t see any “Paddington Bear Caught In Sex Scandal” news stories. Must’ve been a trivia question somehwere.

Ah, today is Paddington’s 50th anniversary! Way to go, Paddington!

Anyway, good taste, Internets. Like Peanuts or Calvin and Hobbes, Paddington is a classic for the ages.

Padding Bear chows down on some Marmite. Hes also a big fan of Orange Marmalade.

Padding Bear chows down on some Marmite. He's also a big fan of Orange Marmalade.

Man, Paddington love’s himself some Marmite. And Orange Marmalade on toast. Mmmm. Marmalade.

Paddington Loves Orange Marmalade. Come to think of it, I do, too.

Paddington Loves Orange Marmalade. Come to think of it, I do, too.

For those of you wondering why Paddington is down with the Marmite, here ya go:


Heres the Marmite. Click to get the scoop from Wikipedia.

Here's the Marmite. Click to get the scoop from Wikipedia.

Update: Commentor said Paddington wasn’t on But, they must have remedied that. I just checked and he’s there. Maybe has something to do with the time difference?

Paddington on the Google.Co.Uk site, same Graphic as US.

Paddington on the Google.Co.Uk site, same Graphic as US.

Berkeley Breathed Quits Again, Nobody Cares


Says in the news Berkeley Breathed is quitting comics. This time for good. Impact on the world at large? Zero, zip, nada.

Says in the news Berkeley Breathed is quitting comics. This time for good. Impact on the world at large? Zero, zip, nada.

Berkeley Breathed quits cartooning yet again, nobody I really cares. I really was sad when Bloom County disappeared originally. But reviewing the old Bloom County books I’ve got, it doesn’t have the staying power–nay, the utter permanence–of Schulz’s Charlie Brown. And Outland and Opus were okay, but a day late and a dollar short, if you know what I mean.

On the other hand, Bill Watterson retired–way too early in my humble opinion–and never came back. While I don’t think anybody would have wanted to see a comic strip based on a minor character in Calvin & Hobbes, I tell ya what–those old strips still resonate, and I still miss the strip. I’d put Calvin & Hobbes up against Peanuts is both being a classic, completely universal, and having tremendous staying power. People will be reading old Calvin & Hobbes collections when those strips are a hundred years old. Guarantee.


Calvin & Hobbes. Best comic strip ever. Yeay, bye, Berkeley, dont let the door hit ya in tha ass on the way out.

Calvin & Hobbes. Best comic strip ever. Yeay, bye, Berkeley, don't let the door hit ya in tha ass on the way out.

October 2008