Archive for October 12th, 2008

Sarah Palin Booed? Palin Guilty of Extreme Legal Behavior and Good Sense? When Will the Madness Stop?

Man, you communists, hippies and other ne’er-do-wells sure seem to have it in for my Sarah. Well, funk you, hippie-freaks. 

You folks who are hatin on Palin can shizzle my big, fat dizzle. You know what Im saying. Fun is fun, but you cut that shiznit out.
You folks who are hatin’ on Palin can shizzle my big, fat dizzle. You know what I’m saying. Fun is fun, but you cut that shiznit out.

You booed her at a hockey game. Man, you people just suck. And you’re out of your damn minds. And, natch, the press made a super-big deal about it because who makes up the press? Communists, hippies, former FM DJs who can no longer find employment spinning vinyl platters, and people who used to work in the Clinton administration.

And, hey, booing Flyers Fans? Your team lost. Keep that in mind.

You deserve your Obamarama, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to get it. Hatin’ on Palin. I hope your tax cuts are the first one’s Obamarama suddenly finds actually have to be tax increases, because solving global poverty ends up being a lot more expensive than he thought at first, and you know how important that is.

You’re still on about the Troopergate thing. Boy, the press is on your side, on that one. She’s guilty cuz “I’m a Democrat and I say she is!”, but otherwise she did everything right. And the “abuse of power” was apparently “bringing repeated pressure” to get a messed-up, irresponsible, potential psychopath from roaming the streets of Alaska with a badge and a gun. What a terrible abuse of power, Miss Palin. Shocking.


Badges? I dont need no stinking ibadges!/i
Mike Wooten: “Badges? I don’t need no stinking badges!


Wonder if they’d be saying that if he’d tasered some kid and the kid died. It’s happened, you know.

So, Sarah Palin’s Yahoo email gets broken in to, and a judge rules that Sarah Palin has to keep all her email so reporters and Democrats can snoop in it.

A quote from that story needs a correcting:

An Anchorage judge has ordered Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to preserve e-mails from private accounts she has used to conduct state business.

That should be amended, by what has been revealed of the emails, to say: “Alludes to, implies, or could be inferred of as referring to a hidden thought about state business”. Try talking about your life and your schedule in your own private correspondence without bringing up work. You people are desperate, and irritating. 

And, apparently Sarah Palin is on the outs with John McCain, because she makes crowds excited and enthusiastic about voting Republican, and he doesn’t like that. The TimesOnline in the UK is very concerned about McCain losing the election because of a loose cannon like Sarah Palin being on the ticket. Mmmhmm. Their concern seems so genuine.

Man, I’m voting for Palin. I don’t think she’ll win, but I sure hope she does. I can’t wait to hear all you haters crying and boo-hooing about the end of the world, it the Palinocracy comes to pass.

When Barack Obama-lama-dingdong is getting sworn in, you know what I’m going to be doing? Crying? Boo-hooing? Nah, I’m going to be going to work. And searching The Google to see what Sarah Palin is up to next. I swear, you haters are such pussies, when it comes down to it. Seriously.

Sweet Sarah Palin Tells It Like It Is.

The Ark of The Covenant! Murder in the Hamptons! Lisa Marie Presley?


Indiana Jones. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away.

Indiana Jones. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away.

It’s Yom Kippur, and the Internets is Celebrating. Or atoning, I guess. You’re doing something.

Anyway, I think your sudden interest in Judaism is touching, and no doubt that’s why you’ve been searching for the Ark of the Covenant

Oh, yes. The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it ... is invincible

Oh, yes. The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it ... is invincible

If you do happen to find this lost ark, it is recommended that you don’t open it. Refer to Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. for more information.

You’ve also developed a sudden re-interest in Murder In the Hamptons, a 2005 episode of 48 Hours about a murder that happened in 2001. You guys know it’s 2008, right?

Anyway, the surprising answer to who Killed Ted Ammon? Nancy Pelosi. That’s right. Though, keep in mind, I just skimmed the article.

This is apparently Generosa Ammon. Would you kill a guy for that chick? If you were a handsome millionaire, would you marry her? Eh? Takes all kinds, I guess.

This is apparently Generosa Ammon. Would you kill a guy for that chick? If you were a handsome millionaire, would you marry her? Eh? Takes all kinds, I guess.

And Lisa Marie Presley had twins. But that searches has already fallen off the radar in the time it has taken me to write this. Fickle, fickle Internets.

I’m sure Lisa Marie’s lovely new children will have a very stable, highly-functional upbringing. Hoo-boy.

Mommy, Dearest?

Mommy, Dearest?

National Lampoon’s Barely Legal Has Piqued Your Interest

National Lampoons Barely Legal has Piqued Your Collective Interest. Now, Where Did this Come Up? Click on the Picture to Watch the Trailer.

National Lampoon's Barely Legal has Piqued Your Collective Interest. Now, Where Did this Come Up? Click on the Picture to Watch the Trailer.

The basic synopsis of this American Classic from Wikipedia is here.

It starred Amy Smart, who’s cute enough:

Amy Smart. Cute Enough for National Lampoon. She was also in The Butterfly Effect with Ashton Punkd Kutcher. Crank. Starsky & Hutch. Mirrors. She gets around.

Amy Smart. Cute Enough for National Lampoon. She was also in The Butterfly Effect with Ashton "Punk'd" Kutcher. Crank. Starsky & Hutch. Mirrors. She gets around.


Also, Starred Sarah Jane Potts. Probably the only thing worth watching the movie for.

Also, Starred Sarah Jane Potts. Probably the only thing worth watching the movie for.

Barely Legal also feature Sarah-Jane Potts is some great scenes, at least if you’re a guy. And it’s starred a lot of male actors, but who really cares about them? 

You’re also searching for Marie Hilley. Do you mean Audrey Marie Hilley, who liked to murder people with arsenic and try to get life insurance money, or just their money in general? What a sweetheart she was. Don’t get any ideas, tho. Through forensics, it’s more likely than not that you’re gonna get caught. Just don’t do it. There are easier, less illegal ways of making money.

October 2008