Archive for November 11th, 2008

Joe Scarborough Drops F-Bomb on Live TV

I’m normally not one to quote Think Progress, but had to pass on this story where Joe Scarborough says “f*** you” on live TV. Heh.

Joe Scarborough says Eff You You Effing S-Head on Live TV.
Joe Scarborough says Eff You You Effing S-Head on Live TV.

Love the insanely predictable liberals commenting on the story.

Scarborough (R-FL) once again proves that the party of “family values” lacks family values.

Um, lots of the conservatives I know curse like sailors. Stereotypes. Cliches. Apparently, it’s okay for liberals to have them spilling out their collective azzzes.

I won’t quote the responses that refer to Joe as, um, prone to forcing his amorous affections onto goats. And worse. Sheesh. This is the left at it’s best. Seriously.

Julia Reed Won’t Miss the Grating Superiority and Absolute Smugness of Obama Supporters

Julia Reed has Big Teeth.

Julia Reed has Big Teeth.

Julia Reed won’t miss the superiority and smugness of Obama supporters. I’d argue that’s because it’s not going anywhere, by maybe that’s not her point.

She writes:

Maybe after today, we can get back to realizing that this was an election, not a divine mission, and that Obama is a very talented novice who ran a smart campaign (against not very rousing opposition), and who will now (barring some seriously major upset) be president, a very, very difficult thing to be

Um, yeah. Good luck on that. Given the hubris and lack-of-class of liberals after their guy won, don’t expect any big changes in that smug superiority any time soon, Julia.

You’ve also been searching for Svetlana Pankratova, a Russian woman who apparently has very long legs. Apparently, it’s in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Svetlana Pankratova does indeed have longs legs.

Svetlana Pankratova does indeed have longs legs.

Sandra Bernhardt, who famously wished that black men would rape Sarah Palin, is also of interest today. Not sure why. She was good in The King of Comedy, with Jerry Lewis and Robert Dinero.

Do Not Hate Sandra Bernhardt Because Shes a Stupid, Hateful Racist. She is a liberal, and that is how they roll.
Do Not Hate Sandra Bernhardt Because Shes a Stupid, Hateful Racist. She is a liberal, and that is how they roll.

You’re also searching for Natalya Rudakova. She’s going to be in Transport 3 with the badazz Jason Statham.

Natalya Rudakova from Transporter 3. You will be seeing her again.

Natalya Rudakova from Transporter 3. You will be seeing her again.

 She’s gonna be teamed with Jason Statham (I may have mentioned that) who is badazz (which I may also have mentioned).

Jason Statham is badazz.
Jason Statham is badazz.
You’re also searing for Hannah Jones, a teenager who has won the right to die with dignity. But it’s not assisted suicide, she just doesn’t want to be legally forced to have a heart transplant! I’m dubious about assisted suicide, myself, but come on, folks.
Hannah Jones just wants to have a little time with her family at Disney World.

Hannah Jones just wants to have a little time with her family at Disney World.

She’s been in and out of the hospital, getting operated on, since she was 4, is sick of it–and I can’t say that I blame her–and doesn’t want to be forced to have a potentially life-saving heart transplant. And the hospital took her family to court, and then the state got involved–in the UK, where they can’t be bothered to prosecute Muslims who beat their wives because of “Sharia Law” but feel they are obligated to force children to undergo complicated transplant operations that they don’t want for their own good. Uh-huh.
It’s a sad story, and hopefully folks will come together, help Hannah Jones and her family get the travel insurance they need to make the trip to Disney World before she dies.

Denise Milani. And Why Not?

Denise Milani. Ahhh.
Denise Milani. Ahhh.
Denis Milani demonstrating the magic of denim. Ahhh.

Denis Milani demonstrating the magic of denim. Ahhh.

More Denise Milani. And why not? Sweetness. Makes life seem good, no matter who the president is.
More Denise Milani. And why not? Sweetness. Makes life seem good, no matter who the president is.


Denise Milani may or may not read Cervantes. But who cares?
Denise Milani may or may not read Cervantes. But who cares?


Denise Milani as a Cowgirl. You will see this one again, whenever something comes up that involves cowboys or Marlboro men or whatever.
Denise Milani as a Cowgirl. You will see this one again, whenever something comes up that involves cowboys or Marlboro men or whatever.


Denise Milani prepares for bed. And would not you, if you had a Denise Milani in your life?
Denise Milani prepares for bed. And would not you, if you had a Denise Milani in your life?

November 2008