Posts Tagged 'iphone 2.2'

iPhone 2.2 Updates Comes Out On Same Day as Blackberry Storm

Gotta admit, as a loyal iPhone user, the Blackberry Storm does look awfully cool. Certainly better than previous Crackberries I’ve seen.

Here is an iPhone, the best phone ever.
Here is an iPhone, the best phone ever.

Coincidentally, Apple decided to release it’s iPhone 2.2 Firmware update on the same day the Blackberry Storm comes out.

The Blackberry Storm. It is awfully pretty, and the haptics sound rocking.
The Blackberry Storm. It is awfully pretty, and the haptics sound rocking.

The new iPhone 2.2 Firmware brings some new goodies to the table.

Maps application now includes a Google Street View mode, plus you can get walking directions, and more public transit stuff for big cities. You can download podcasts in iTunes, which rocks.

Apple says it has improved the Safari browser, and there ar e number of security updates. Dropped calls will be less, says Apple, and battery life will be longer. And it will synch with iTunes faster.

Still missing? Copy and paste! Jeeze, you so crazy, Steve Jobs. The link about also mentions there’s no tethering in the update as part of a series of features he says may not be coming ever, but tethering is definitely coming to the iPhone, and soon–AT&T just wants to charge you $30 a month more for it.

What should the next iPhone firmware update bring? I dunno what it will bring, but it should bring copy and paste, and a landscape mode for email. Not having either of those things is crazy.

But while looking for a picture of an iPhone for my blog, I ran across a presumably faked picture of Parallels (the Windows-running software for Mac OS X running on an iPhone). Now, wouldn’t that be cool? Forget Windows Mobile, I’ll just run Microsoft Windows XP on my iPhone.

Coincidentally, I just got a chance to play with a Blackberry Storm. The haptics are nice. Overall interface isn’t as slick as the iPhone (and the lack of the pinch interface is constraining if you are use to an iPhone) but it will go into landscape mode in email. Which is great, because the doubled-up keyboard in portrait mode is ugly. Don’t know why they did that.

Ah, well. Back to work. Laterz, Internetz.

Oh, one more thing. To help keep things in perspective.

A Random Hot Chick Who Does Not Care about your iPhone or Blackberry, you loser-geek.

A Random Hot Chick Who Does Not Care about your iPhone or Blackberry, you loser-geek.

May 2024