Archive for January 7th, 2009

Business is Booming at The Bunny Ranch

One of the few legal brothels in the US, the Bunny Ranch has seen a significant increase in applications, as women turn to legalized prostitution for money in this hard economy. Including Alana Love, with is apparently seven months pregnant. Is that, you know, safe? I mean, in a pre-natal way?

Alana Love is a Pregnant Bunny Ranch Sex Worker. She was also recently featured on Howard Stern.

Alana Love is a Pregnant Bunny Ranch Sex Worker. She was also recently featured on Howard Stern.

Why don’t they just get married? They’ll end up with more money, and they wouldn’t have to actually have sex with anybody. As most husband’s learn. And they’d have someone to fetch them things and adjust the temperature and run to the store and open their wallet.  Sounds like a much lighter work load. Man gets fussy about wanting a clean house or kids? Divorce him, take half his stuff. It’s a sweet deal.

Anyhoo, here’s the website for The Bunny Ranch, if you’re headed to Vegas. And a video, maybe.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Business is Booming at The Bunny Ranch“, posted with vodpod

Naked Skier Dangles from Vail Chair Lift

An unfortunate skier in Vail, Colorado, dangles half-naked from a ski lift. That can put a damper on your vacation.

Naked Skier in Vail Colorado Hangs on From His Pants After Falling Through Ski Lift Chair

Naked Skier in Vail Colorado Hangs on From His Pants After Falling Through Ski Lift Chair

In other news, Judge Samuel Kent gets busted for making unwanted sexual advances on case manager, Cathy McBroom. Your tax dollars at work.

In more other news, former beauty queen Katie Rees was arrested in Las Vegas.

Katie Rees Mug Shot. Cute enough, but still not as cute as Heather Locklear.

Katie Rees Mug Shot. Cute enough, but still not as cute as Heather Locklear.

Seriously. Remember Heather Locklear’s mugshot? She could teach Katie Rees a thing or two.

And here is Katie Rees in a Bikini. Still not as cute as Heather Locklear.

And here is Katie Rees in a Bikini. Still not as cute as Heather Locklear.

You’re also searching for former Miss Teen Lousianna, Lindsey Evans, again. I’ve already covered that.

January 2009