More on Why Hyper-Sexualized Super Women Are Awesome

And why supernormal, hypersexualized female people being half-naked and unrealistically sex is perfectly natural and just fine and the people bitching about it have their heads up their butts:


Here’s the new article, Comic Book Hyper-Sexualization Part II: Why Men Like Half-Naked Ladies. Touches on the history and how secondary-sex characteristics trigger certain instinctual responses and that’s why comic book ladies have big boobs.

Comic books have sexy ladies in them and always will. Get over it!


And here was the first one: Why Men Love Beautiful Super Women.

It’s good stuff. Read it and see! Seek wisdom, young, vaguely-aroused, supernormally-stimulated young man!

Laterz, my hot sexy super peoplez!

Soon We’ll Have Bionic Eyes

Soon we’ll be able to have bionic eyes like the six million (soon to be six BILLION) dollar man and it will be awesome. Check this out:

Nanotechnology Takes Steps Towards Artificial Retinas


In line with this focus on human senses, in the future artificial retinas integrated with the human body may not only repair damaged vision but also expand it to see a wider range wavelengths (e.g. ultraviolet light).

Oh yeah. Cannot wait!


“Our self-powered vision e-skin is different from traditional complex integrated systems and combines the electricity-generating, photo-detecting, and neurobionics of signal transmission into one single chemical/physical process,” explains Xue. “In this process, the photo detecting units in the e-skin harvest human-motion energy and output triboelectric signals containing the photo detecting information, acting as both the power source and the photo detecting signal for mimicking vision.”

The future is gonna be way cool, Internet People! Be happy and optimistic because shizzle only gonna get better!

So Captain Marvel Verified To Be In Infinity War

Or Captain Marvel will be in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet. One of those Avengers Infinity Thing.

Film Goblin, and everybody else, has the Captain Marvel In Avenger’s Infinity War or Gauntlet or Whatever scoop!

Captain Marvel Fights Thanos in Infinity War

Captain Marvel flies with golden robots but doesn’t have screwed up Katy Perry hair yet, so that’s good.

Captain Marvel has a long history of fighting Thanos. She even used to fight him back when she was a dude!


So, cool.

Marvel’s Avenger’s Infinity Wars: Carol Danvers vs. Thanos + Some Other Guys starts April 23rd, 2018, and will be running until the end of infinity. Hence the title.

Laterz, people!

Deadpool 2 Final Trailer is Revealingly AWESOME

So the Final Deadpool 2 Trailer is here and what do you think about that?

“Pump the hate breaks, Thanos.”

“We’re gonna form a super-duper-fucking group!”  – “It’s time to get back on LinkedIn.”

“So dark! You’re sure you’re not from the DC Universe?”


OMG. This is the best movie ever made. And I just mean the trailer. DeadPool 2 is coming out, like, soon. And I can’t wait to see it. You know you can’t either. So watch the trailer over and over again like I am doing right now while I’m typing this.


Laterz, Interwebzers!

So I Am Bored Today And Was Thinking . . .

So what to do when I’m bored? Let’s see . . .


Boobs. Yeah, I’ve Done This One Before. But It’s Worth Doing Again.

Yup. Objectively and undeniably true. Evidence for my case as follows:


Man, She’s Cute.


Shy Love. Doesn’t Look So Shy. Excellent Underboobage.


Bianca Beauchamp Swallows. The Rain. While In Black Latex. Grabbing Her Own Breasts.


Keeley Hazell Topless, Practically Nude, Just covering up the last of the undisplayed naughty bits.


Keeley Hazell Presents Her Splendiforous Cleavage!


Gotta Love Keeley Hazell with the torn-shirt, showing underboob and sideboob kind of thing going on.

And that concludes my argument. The truth of the proposition is undeniable, I’m sure you agree.

Well, peoplez. Laterz!

The Top Ten Movies To Pay Off a Summer Home

This is why I like the guys at FilmGoblin. They cover the real stuff. Like this:

The Top Ten Movies Made to Pay Off a Summer Home.

Like Bill Murray doing Garfield. Like, you can’t deny it.


Sandra Bullock should be in that list. I think she had live 7 houses in various states of remodeling at one time. She rents a lot of them out and then sells some. I think she only has a few houses now. But still, she’s taken a movie to buy herself a new house to play with. You know she has.

Sandra Bullock has Many Many Homes

Yeah, I’d totally buy a house with her.

And that’s all I’ve got say about that.

Laterz, my friends on the Interwebz!

Gay People Are In Movies Too

Haven’t seen Love, Simon myself, but here’s a review. And apparently it’s changing the world.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen something like this movie before, and this basic plot on TV shows and Afternoon School Specials or some such thing. Seems like it ought to be taking place in the 90s, with all the “oh no I’m gay but nobody knows”.

Okay, you’re gay, and you don’t want to tell anybody because you’re George Michael and you live in 1983. I get it.

Apparently it’s a good movie but I’m not seeing this in the theater, because I’m not gay.


Sorry. Gay just isn’t going to work for me. It would never even start to work for me. I just couldn’t even. But if you are gay and reading this, then good for you! Enjoy your gayness! I’m going to enjoy my hetero-ness and I’m never going to use the term “cisgender” ever about anything. Have a nice day!

Make it a different kind of movie and I might have, but I think I’m going to wait for HBO. But if you’re gay TOTALLY GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW!

And that’s might not having actually seen the movie review.

1983 Playmate of the Year, Marianne Gravatte, Was Perfect Woman

You hear me right. They could have stopped making women after her. Gorgeous and 100% natural. Another reason why the 80s were the perfect decade


Marianne Gravatte was 80s Hot. Puts today’s so-called Playmates of the Year to shame.

Yassss! She was so beautiful. And basically seemed to disappear after she became Playmate of the year. Not sure what Hef did, but I’m sure it was something bad!

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Ah, well. Regrets, I have a few. But it is what it is. The world still needs more Marianne Gravatte, but I don’t think we’re going to get any more at this point. Alas.

Laterz, Interwebz!

One of These Things Is Not Like The Other

I’m bored. So Sue Me.

Beautiful women and Ross Perot. Presumably that chart is about how hot these chicks make him. Too bad he didn’t become president. He would have been funny as hell, Interwebz. Funny as hell.

Welp. That’s it for now. Laterz, Interwebz!

PS: Don’t forget, humanity has finally learned how to make mayonnaise from bacon. We have reached the pinnacle.


Baconnaise Has All the Great Taste of Bacon, But Suspended in Mayo!

Fraggle Rock Has Turned 35!

Great article on the history of Fraggle Rock and just celebrating Fraggleness.

Brillian stuff from the Knitting Knerd on FilmGoblin. Finally, an entertainment site that tackles the important subject of Fraggles and The Ben Folds Five in one article!

Fraggle Rock Wembley and Red

Wembley and Red discuss important issues down on Fraggle Rock.

I know some people want Fraggle Rock to come back, but it’s never coming back. Everything magic about the Muppets died when Jim Henson did (harsh, I know, but true). If it comes back in any form it won’t be remotely as good or the same or anything else. It’s over. Celebrate it’s life, but don’t mourn The Fraggles. They will always be available on Blu-Ray or digital-on-demand!


Junior Gorg on Fraggle Rock

Picture of yours truly. Now you know why I love Fraggle Rock so much.

Yes, everybody wants Red, Gobo, Wembley, Boober, and the weird white-haired chick back, along with the Doozers and the Gorgs and the rest of it. Not going to happen. Just enjoying what we got, don’t be so damned greedy, Interwebz!

Aight. Laterz, Peoples.

Captain Pike Cast on Star Trek Discovery But Who Care? The Orville is Better.

Star Trek Discovery casts a new Captain Pike even though nobody can see the show and it sounds like it sucks.

Bianca Beauchamp as Sexy Star Trek Lady

I want to watch this Star Trek show. Do people in Hollywood understand NOTHING? Goobers.

The Orville is a better Star Trek. Watch that instead.

Really, you can watch a great and sometimes funny version of Star Trek TNG starring Seth McFarlane that does more to capture Rodenberry’s vision than anything the folks making supposedly actual Star Trek films and TV shows are doing. They have lost their way. They really have.

But at least we’ve got The Orville. Critics hate it because it captures the spirit of the old Star Trek without being the vapid, supposedly-progressive, superficial, shallow, pop-culture often overtly-political-in-the-most-boring-way possible pabulum that has become what Star Trek is “supposed” to be. Christ on a cracker.

Now you know. Go forth and prosper. I mean, Live Long and Prosper. Damn.

More Sexy Vulcans is What Star Trek Is Missing, Along With Everything Else

More sexy Vulcans. Christ, Star Trekkers, it’s not that hard to get right. Go back. Try harder.

Laterz, People!

Batgirl Comes Back Maybe!

Batgirl Is Coming Back Possibly Who Knows Really?

Batgirl Is Back People

Batgirl returns but probably won’t be a super-sexy as this Batgirl because of the New Victorians.

So the Return of Batgirl is near! That could be good, but probably not great, if the history of the DCU right now is any guide. And it probably is.

Anyway, they’ve got some new woman to replace Joss Whedon on the project because of #metoo. So, good for them.

This is the only exciting thing happening on the Internet right now. You’ve been warned.



Laura Posada is Cute Enough. And Perky.

Nanotube-Based Quantum Devices Are On The Way

I find quantum devices based on nano-tubes sexy. So sue me.

Quantum dots in carbon nanotubes have been reported predominantly in the form of decoupled nanotube portions defined between engineered tunneling barriers at metal-nanotube contacts and/or by gate electrodes, or in the form of unintentional localization potentials stemming from environmental disorder. All these structures are usually operated at cryogenic temperature due to the technological challenge to achieve ultra-short quantum dots allowing operation at room temperature.

Krisssht, that gets me hawt!


Bianca Beauchamp in a Purple Bra and Blue Jeans. She likes nano-tubes AND quantum devices.

Laterz, my good peoplez.

Best and Most Enlightening Article on Katy Perry Ever

So my buds at recently published an impressive and in-depth article on Katy Perry.  Something about the nun she killed.

Katy Perry Kills Nuns

Katy Perry is slowly turning into Eminem. How sad for both of them.

Katy Perry Has Issues But . . .

And . . .

So, we’ll always love you, Katy Perry. We’ll always be your little monkey.

Laterz, my Peoplez!

… PS: Latest Katy Perry Gossipz!

Steven Seagal is an Overweight Nutburger

And here is the lowdown on just what an Overweight, Out-of-Shape, Delusional, Over-Medicated Nutburger Steven Seagal happens to be.

No, but the real Steven Segagal–Steven Segal? Steven Seagull? Stephen Segale? Whatever, even his name is crazy.

Also, Steven Seagal is accused of rape some more.

Hard times for the man.

Goodbye my friends, it’s hard to die . . . when all the birds are singing in the sky . . .

May 2024